
Morceaux de verre dans des petits pots pommes-fruits rougesPieces of glass in small red apples-fruit pots

Pieces of glass in small red apples-fruit pots

Brand Bledina has initiated a recall of their product "Bledi'Fruit apples red Fruits....

14 years ago
Rappel d’une vinaigrette à l’échaloteCallback with a shallot vinaigrette

Callback with a shallot vinaigrette

Dumortier society proceeded to the recall of the Vinaigrette with shallots of the Bouton d'Or brand....

14 years ago
Perturbateurs endocriniens : bientôt signalés sur les emballages ?Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

Endocrine disrupters : soon reported on the packaging ?

A parliamentary report suggests to label products containing endocrine disrupters in order to protect....

14 years ago
Neuf fast-foods fermés après des contrôles sanitairesNine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks

Nine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks

1725 controls have been carried out by the DGCCRF [...] giving rise to 9 closures of establishments, 140 warnings ...

14 years ago
Rappel de ravioli aux trois fromages bioRecall of ravioli with three cheeses bio

Recall of ravioli with three cheeses bio

Auchan proceeded, last Thursday, the recall of Ravioli to the three cheeses Bio of his own brand, tells us...

14 years ago
EAT 2 : Une vaste étude sur les substances chimiques dans nos assiettesEAT 2 : An extensive study on the chemical substances in our plates

EAT 2 : An extensive study on the chemical substances in our plates

There are risks when certain people regularly eat a specific food very contaminated....

14 years ago