
Polluants chimiques : une étude sur 20 000 enfantsChemical pollutants : a study on 20 000 children

Chemical pollutants : a study on 20 000 children

In March, a major scientific survey called "Elf" will be. It will focus on ...

14 years ago
Poivrons toxiques chez LIDLToxic peppers at LIDL

Toxic peppers at LIDL

After reminders of foie gras, nems and mashed, now here is the recall of peppers by the sign…

14 years ago
Rappel de nems et de purée chez AuchanReminder of spring rolls and mashed at Auchan

Reminder of spring rolls and mashed at Auchan

The Auchan trademark nems were, last Tuesday, recalled by the brand of the same name. This is....

14 years ago
Contamination à la dioxineDioxin contamination

Dioxin contamination

The scandal erupted in Germany, 3000 tons of dioxin-contaminated animal fats (that can ...

14 years ago
Vin frelaté en ChineAdulterated in China wine

Adulterated in China wine

Monday 27 December, 6 people have been arrested in China for adulterated wine....

14 years ago
Nouilles toxiques à base de rizToxic rice noodles

Toxic rice noodles

After the scandal of milk contaminated with melamine in China, Here is the scandal of the carcinogenic rice noodles....

14 years ago