
Auchan : Huîtres contaminées (norovirus)Auchan : contaminated oysters (norovirus)

Auchan : contaminated oysters (norovirus)

Product recalled by : Emile Casrouge / Gouville sur Mer (50) Brand : Cultivate Product : Normandy hollow oysters…

7 years ago
Fleur de sel et gros sel de Guérande IGP au plombsea ​​salt and coarse sea salt PGI lead

sea ​​salt and coarse sea salt PGI lead

Product recalled by : Adrien Bruand Produits : • Fleur de sel de Guérande IGP - bag of 250 g • Gros sel

7 years ago
Rappel de Steaks hachés à l’E.Coli, de Rillettes et Fritons de Canards à la listériaReminder of Steaks chopped to the East. Coli, Rillettes and Cracklings of ducks to listeria

Reminder of Steaks chopped to the East. Coli, Rillettes and Cracklings of ducks to listeria

The Carrefour Ensign proceeded yesterday to recall of its chopped steaks frozen of the Carrefour brand....

14 years ago
Rappel : Préparation d’abricots aux morceaux de verreRecall : Preparation of apricots to the pieces of glass

Recall : Preparation of apricots to the pieces of glass

The muslin of spinach recalled a few days ago is no longer the only product contaminated by pieces....

14 years ago
Attention : Rappel de poivre aux salmonelles et d’épinards au gazole !Attention : Pepper in salmonella and spinach with diesel fuel reminder !

Attention : Pepper in salmonella and spinach with diesel fuel reminder !

[Update] After the recall of toxic peppers, nems and mashed, cela faisait déjà quasiment un mois

14 years ago
Premières analyses sur les traces de médicaments dans l’eauInitial analyses on the traces of drugs in water

Initial analyses on the traces of drugs in water

The Ministry of health wanted to draw up a report on the presence of residues of drugs...

14 years ago
Mort après avoir mangé chez Quick ?Death after eating in Quick ?

Death after eating in Quick ?

[Update] It is now official the Quick meal was the cause of the death of the teenager..

14 years ago