Year 2010

Rappel de vinaigre aromatisé à la noixRecall of Walnut flavoured vinegar

Recall of Walnut flavoured vinegar

Brand market Franprix nuts vinegar was recalled following the discovery of the presence....

11 years ago
700 mini-terrines de foie gras à la listéria700 foie gras with listeria mini-terrines

700 foie gras with listeria mini-terrines

700 Mini-terrines of the Carrefour Selection brand whole fresh duck foie gras have been recalled ...

14 years ago
Four Loko : la boisson énergisante alcooliséeFour Loko : the energy drink alcoholic

Four Loko : the energy drink alcoholic

Four Loko, the trademark Phusion Projects, is an energy drink marketed in the ...

14 years ago
La viande et le lait cloné seraient innofensifs ?Cloned milk and meat would be innocuous ?

Cloned milk and meat would be innocuous ?

According to the ACNFP body which advises the British Government on food issues...

14 years ago
Plan de nutrivigilance par l’ANSESPlan of nutrivigilance by ANSES

Plan of nutrivigilance by ANSES

The french are major consumers of food supplements : 23% adult and ...

14 years ago
L’industrie agro-alimentaire liée à l’obésité infantileThe food industry linked to childhood obesity

The food industry linked to childhood obesity

The UFC-Que Choisir has just published a study on the impact of food advertising directed at children ...

14 years ago
Substances chimiques : le plat quotidien de nos enfants !Chemical substances : the flat daily of our children !

Chemical substances : the flat daily of our children !

A child is [...] presentation [...] to 81 different chemicals ! 47 These substances are suspected to be ...

14 years ago
638 personnes intoxiquées par des steaks aux salmonelles638 people poisoned by salmonella steaks

638 people poisoned by salmonella steaks

The latest news is estimated that 638 people were poisoned by steaks ...

14 years ago
Steaks hachés surgelés aux salmonellesChopped steaks frozen salmonella

Chopped steaks frozen salmonella

In the Normandy region E.Leclerc stores have been a reminder of 3 lots of chopped steaks ...

14 years ago
Les français mangent trop saléThe french eat too dirty

The french eat too dirty

And after the NutriNet-health study, which is based on 140 000 Since dietary surveys 18 month, the french ...

14 years ago