[Update] The recalls concerning the products of the company "La Ruche" are gaining momentum..
Author - F. Boyat
L’EFSA voudrait arrêter les tests sur certains produits...
The European food safety authority (EFSA) souhaiterait remplacer le système actuel de...
Reminder of a snack for children
The Patrelle company is recalling a snack consisting of an Apple dessert, a drink....
Consuming too much red meat increases the risk of diabetes..
[...] consume daily 100 grams of red meat (unprocessed) per day would increase...
Choosing and analyzing food
Method to analyze a food you have purchased through some tips....
Pieces of glass in small red apples-fruit pots
Brand Bledina has initiated a recall of their product "Bledi'Fruit apples red Fruits....
Interview : Prevalence Of Obesity
Interview du Dr Jean-Pierre After, Scientific Director of ICCR (Chaire Internationale...
Interview : Abdominal obesity
Dr. Jean-Pierre Despres, Scientific Director of ICCR (Chaire Internationale sur le...
Interview : Diabetes Type 2
Interview du Dr Jean-Pierre After, Scientific Director of ICCR (Chaire Internationale...
Interview : Sugary drinks
Dr. Jean-Pierre Despres, Scientific Director of ICCR (Chaire Internationale sur le...
Callback with a shallot vinaigrette
Dumortier society proceeded to the recall of the Vinaigrette with shallots of the Bouton d'Or brand....
Endocrine disrupters : bientôt signalés sur les emballages...
Un rapport parlementaire suggère d'étiqueter les produits contenant des perturbateurs endocriniens...
The danger of pesticides
Extrait du Magazine de la Santé au Quotidien. Le danger des pesticides pour la santé et...
Nine fast-food restaurants closed after health checks
1725 controls have been carried out by the DGCCRF [...] giving rise to 9 closures of establishments ...