Recall of salami in the Ardèche

10 years ago

The Auchan brand conducts the recall of batches of sausages of the Ardèche following the discovery of the presence of salmonella…

Recall of ground ginger

10 years ago

La société Bedos procède au rappel d'un lot de gingembre moulu car celui n'atteint pas le niveau de qualité et

Cornflakes to mycotoxins

10 years ago

The Sevenday SAS company is recalling of Cornflakes at the Auchan sign following the detection of the presence....

Lunch Box recall

10 years ago

The company Sanketh charges proceed to the recall of batches of Lunch Box due to the possible presence of body....

Reminder of the sesame butter

10 years ago

The company Rapunzel is the recall of all lots of "Simo Sesammus" following the possible presence....

Mini sausages dry salmonella

10 years ago

The Leclerc brand conducts the recall of batches of "Mini sausages dry with walnuts" the trademark "Saint Azay"...

Andouilles to Listeria ?

10 years ago

The company "The Castle andouillerie" has initiated a recall of andouilles, andouillettes, languiers and guts following the suspicion....

Recall : Apples fried

10 years ago

Auchan is recalling of lots of hash brown potatoes following the possible presence of foreign bodies ...

Cantal in E.Coli

10 years ago

La Coopérative Laitière de Saint Bonnet de Salers procède au rappel de Cantal au lait cru suite à la découverte

Recall of jars of tomato sauce

10 years ago

The canneries Provencal Caban company proceeded the recall of jars of Neapolitan sauce following the discovery of a body....