“Seafood Salad” Listeria in

8 years ago

The company Les Crudettess has recalled batches of "Seafood Salad" following the discovery of the presence…

Documentary : The potato is not fried

8 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caiObe90HFA Il n'y a pas si longtemps, les pommes de terre faisaient partie des principaux aliments consommés en France et

Fritons Pure Pork Pie Listeria

8 years ago

Maison Milhau has recalled batches of "Pâté Fritons Pure Pork" suite à la découverte de

FOCUS - Mineral water, bottled water : do you know what you drink ?

8 years ago

In ten years, la consommation d'eau en bouteille a fortement augmenté en France. Un incroyable engouement qui fait la fortune

Recall Muesli

8 years ago

The company S.A.S Moulin Meckert Diemer has recalled batches of "Muesli" alors que l'on ignore pour l'instant

Recall : Drink in the Coconut

8 years ago

The company "Sparkel Beverages" been recalled batches of "King Coconut Water" suite à un défaut dans la...

Bio burgers in E.Coli

8 years ago

The company "The Organic Meat Counter" has initiated a recall of "Organic Beef Chopped Steaks" suite à la mise

CASH INVESTIGATION – Industrie agroalimentaire : business against health

8 years ago

Elise Lucet et l’équipe de "Cash Investigation" revealed in this new survey unmentionable recipes giant agribusiness. Why…

Reblochon de Savoie in E.Coli

8 years ago

Fromagère d’Eteaux has recalled batches of "Petit Reblochon de Savoie" suite à la découverte de

Stretched rappel de Grissini

8 years ago

The Carrefour brand is recalling batches of "Breadsticks Stirati Torinesi" the trademark "Lands of Italy" Suite to discover…