Rappel : Boisson fruit champagne CouronneRecall : fruit drink champagne Crown

Recall : fruit drink champagne Crown

6 years ago

The beverage "fruit Champagne" de la marque Couronne a été rappelé suite à la découverte de la présence d'additifs à

Documentaire : Tromperies, produits périmés, bactéries, la police des assiettes sur tous les frontsDocumentary : deceptions, expired products, bacteria, Police plates on all fronts

Documentary : deceptions, expired products, bacteria, Police plates on all fronts

6 years ago

By practicing spot checks, professional hygiene and Fraud Repression inspect restaurants, markets ...

Carrefour : Kippers fumés à la listeriaCrossroads : Kippers smoked listeria

Crossroads : Kippers smoked listeria

6 years ago

The company Sepoa Delgove been recalled batches of "Kippers smoked over beechwood" follow-up to the…

Flétan fumé à la listeriaSmoked halibut with listeria

Smoked halibut with listeria

6 years ago

Thalassa Excellence Company performed the batch recall of "sliced ​​smoked halibut" suite à la découverte de la

Auchan : Choucroute au CaoutchoucAuchan : Sauerkraut Rubber

Auchan : Sauerkraut Rubber

6 years ago

The company Charcuterie Bruche Valley initiated a recall of batches of trays "Auchan Choucroute 1

Près de 800 kg de viande avariée polonaise retrouvés en FranceNear 800 Polish kg of rotten meat found in France

Near 800 Polish kg of rotten meat found in France

6 years ago

The medical services of the Ministry of Agriculture have found "795 kilos" Polish rotten meat in "nine companies" du secteur

Rappel : Mini-nems crevettesRecall : Mini shrimp spring rolls

Recall : Mini shrimp spring rolls

6 years ago

The Casino brand has initiated a recall of batches of "6 mini spring rolls shrimp sauce nuoc mam," suite à la découverte de la

Rappel : Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter cupRecall : Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter cup

Recall : Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter cup

6 years ago

Unilever been recalled batches of "Ben & Jerry Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream" follow-up to…

McCain : “La Noisette” aux morceaux de métal ?McCain : “Hazelnut” the metal pieces ?

McCain : “Hazelnut” the metal pieces ?

6 years ago

McCain Company initiated a recall of batches of 1kg of "Hazelnut" Suite to discover…

Salmonelles : Produits de nutrition infantiles contaminés ?Salmonella : contaminated infant nutrition products ?

Salmonella : contaminated infant nutrition products ?

6 years ago

The company Sodilac, Directorate General for Competition, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes et la