2019 News Recalls

Sausages and merguez salmonella

Sausages with Salmonella

Product recalled by : The Valois Workshop

Product : Plateau variegated

Brand : the brasérades

Manufacturing code :

  • 2 28032 with a DLC at 26/07/2019
  • 2 28044 with a DLC at 27/07/2019

Barcode : 3 38762 003 272 5

Health stamp : FR 60 –341 -011

Sign of diffusion : Giant Casino, Auchan

Reason for recall : Discovery of the presence of salmonella

Terms of the callback : It is recommended to destroy the product if it has been frozen or report the store for a refund. People who have consumed the Trays Coolers mentioned above and which present symptoms of poisoning (gastrointestinal disorders often accompanied by fever), are encouraged to consult their doctor indicating this consumption.

Consumer service : 03 44 60 59 99

Source : www.geantcasino.fr

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