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vitamins – Fantasies and truths

vitamins – Fantasies and truths

Tuesday 25 September at 20:50 (89 minutes)

Vitamins - Fantasies and truths

Knowing that vitamins are essential to us, because we produce not naturally, how it should absorb, and at what dose ? Derek Muller, star of the popular science on Youtube, shows why this growing market is based on serious misconceptions.

Vitamins and dietary supplements, sold in pharmacies as in supermarkets, represent a windfall of some 100 billion per year worldwide. A huge market, moreover in full expansion in the West : it is estimated that one in three people consume it, compared to one in five ten years ago. From the vitamin D prescribed for children to the thousands of pills offered on the internet to boost memory, stimulate immune defenses or slow down aging, how to sort ? Knowing that vitamins are essential to us, because we produce not naturally, how it should absorb, and at what dose ? Derek Muller, young Australian-Canadian physicist, popular science star on Youtube with his channel Veritasium, investigation around the world to highlight, along with the nature of vitamins and & rsquo; history of discovery, the dangerous confusion that prevails in the matter. For the flourishing production of food supplements n & rsquo; is little or supervised by health authorities. Gold, well that & rsquo; deficiency, an excess of vitamins can kill ...

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