Investigation : Aluminium, our daily poison

From pastries to prepared meals, toothpastes or deodorants, aluminum has invaded our daily lives. Sometimes used as a preservative, anti-caking agent, whitener or as a dye, this metal is however very toxic to health.

This neurotoxin would double the risk of Alzheimer's and researchers are gradually discovering that it causes other serious illnesses.. Aluminum hydroxide in vaccines causes serious illness in some : macrophage myofasciitis. Faced with this observation, the European Food Safety Authority was quick to sound the alarm by asking citizens not to absorb more than one milligram of aluminum per week.

But how to avoid overdose ? Today it is very difficult to know the quantities we ingest every day because manufacturers do not indicate the concentration of aluminum on their products..

In this report, Doctor Pierre Souvet, president of the Association Santé Environnement France (ASEF) cares : “alerter les populations sur la toxicité de l’aluminium me paraît important. This is a useless product. (…) It brings nothing to the body, si ce n’est des ennuis.” explique-t-il.

Professor Romain K. Gherardi, neuropathologiste à l’hôpital universitaire de Créteil explique que “sur les métaux, we have stories that repeat themselves. What happened to lead, le mercure et l’amiante arrivera aussi pour l’aluminium.”

F. Boyat

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