News Year 2017 December Recalls

Loins Tuna contaminated with poisoning

Loin of Tuna

Product recalled by : Ocean counters

Product Name : Longe de Thon Albacore

Lot no. : CO-2341

Marketing : Ocean Countertops Product Name 20/12/2017 to the 22/12/2017

Ocean Countertops Product Name : Crossroads

Reason for recall : Discovery of the presence of’Histamine (click the link for more information on histamine).

Terms of the callback : It is recommended to destroy the product or return the store for a refund.

Consumer service :
Phone. : 01 85 78 23 48 or 06 43 46 87 07

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Celine Calbris
Celine Calbris
7 years earlier

and if not, stop killing animals, when is that!!???? pffffffffffff

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