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Documentary : Wars Seeds

Are seeds a commodity or a common good of humanity in the same way as water or air? ? In the very near future, farmers may no longer be allowed to replant their own seeds. In Europe, a law emerges to control the use of agricultural seeds… Behind this confiscation, 5 large seed companies that already own half of the seed market and are seeking to expand their privatization.

The story we reveal in this documentary, it is that of a silent war, little known and yet the stakes are crucial : our food independence.

From India to Brussels, passing through the French countryside and the Island of Spitsbergen 1000 kms from the North Pole, Stenka Quillet and Clément Montfort investigate this Seed War which threatens more than a billion farmers on the planet.

The directors meet doubting farmers, activists who try to alert public opinion and politicians who discuss future laws. Monsanto, leader in the seed market exceptionally opens the door to the largest factory in Europe.

“The Seed Wars”, a documentary by Stenka Quillet and Clément Montfort, a WE GO production ! media with the participation of France Télévisions, of the CNC and TV5 MONDE, with the help of Nova Spot.

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