Illustration : Cheese board
Product recalled by : Fromagerie Capt et Fils
Brand : Capt et Fils
Products :
Health stamp : FR‐74‐015‐050‐CE
No. lots : Commençant par 0207‐0407‐0507‐0607‐0707‐0807
UBD : the 02/10/17 to the 06/10/17 included
Marketing period : between the 21/07 and the 02/08/17 au rayon à la coupe ou en libre-service.
Sign of diffusion : Crossroads
Reason for recall : Discovery of the presence of salmonella.
Terms of the callback : It is recommended to destroy the product or return the store for a refund.
Consumer service :
Phone. : 04 50 32 05 76
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