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Map of the water quality

What is the quality of the tap water in your town? ?

One in two consumers say they consume bottled water daily and manufacturers intend to grow this market.

The basic question is always the same : Is the tap water of good quality ? Check the quality of the drinking water distributed in your municipality and its surroundings on the interactive map that the site published which summarizes the level of conformity for 50 contaminants and physicochemical parameters defined by regulations.

The general conclusion of UFC-Que Choisir is as follows: : “96 % consumers can drink their water with confidence, 2,8 million have on the other hand water polluted in particular by pesticides.

By clicking on the map above, you will access the interactive map where you can enter the postcode or the name of your town and click on the colored pictogram for details by contaminant.

Carte interractive de la qualité de l'eau du robinetinterractive Map of the quality of tap water

Important : *Research lead, copper, du nickel, vinyl chloride and epichlorohydrin, sampling water frequently makes the consumer tap. Therefore, their presence in an analysis does not in any case that this pollution affects the entire network or city, because it can concern eg some network connections, some buildings or housing.

The 50 analyzed parameters correspond to regulatory analysis (except non-measurable parameters : flavor or odor), defined as part of official controls. These results do not guarantee quality levels for other parameters that can be analyzed in the context of more specific controls to meet specific or local issues, searchable town hall and on the websites of regional health agencies and Department of Health.

Following the results, do you have a good quality of tap water ?

F. Boyat

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