Junk food without borders
Tuesday 15 March 2016, 20h45 (50 minutes) – France 5

Fini added sugars, industrial dyes and saturated fats. Gone are the youngest marketing targeting… and yet !
In France as in Europe, major food groups signed commitments, sometimes worth to the world. On paper, finished added sugars, Industrial dyes, saturated fat or the younger targeting marketing. But in emerging countries, their main growth drivers, some brands rely to date techniques now banned in the West. In France, the main food groups circumvent the law through a new process particularly devious : les "advergames", free Internet games featuring advertising in disguise. Investigation.
All addicted to salt
Tuesday 15 March 2016, 21H50 (50 minutes) – France 5

sea salt for sprinkling meat, coarse salt to enhance the pasta water, the salt is an integral part of the gustatory landscape. In the land of gastronomy, it is also unthinkable to cook without adding his two cents, flavoring agent but also indispensable for the proper functioning of the body – it makes it possible to retain water. only problem, the French ingest much more than the daily doses recommended by WHO, with public health implications. Despite the alarming figures, the vast majority of French is unable to estimate, and thus limit, daily consumption of salt. Bread, Ham, industrial cakes, Salt is everywhere. Why ? And how to reduce consumption ?
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