Light, lies and calories
Sunday 28 February 2016, 20h45 (50 minutes) – France 5

Buy gold. Yet, they are accused of all evils : they would be more expensive, more chemical, less tasty and even risky for health…
Appeared in a shattering way in the years 90, light products are on the shelves and attract a quarter of consumers. Yet, for a few years, they are accused of all evils : they would be more expensive, more chemical, less tasty and would represent a health risk. Whether low in fat or low in sugar, they appeal to customers who want to keep the line. Yet, there is no evidence that they are effective for weight loss, some nutritionists even think they would make you fat. As for aspartame, a sweetener found in nearly 6000 products, he is at the heart of the controversy. Some scientists accuse it of being carcinogenic and call for its ban.
Quand le thon nous met en boîte
Sunday 28 February 2016, 21h35 (55 minutes) – France 5

Les Français mangent chaque année près de 70 000 tonnes de thon en boîte.
Les Français mangent chaque année près de 70 000 tonnes de thon en boîte. Mais sait-on vraiment ce qui se cache dans cette petite conserve si familière ? La majeure partie du thon pêché l’est aujourd’hui très loin de France et parcourt des milliers de kilomètres avant d’arriver dans les supermarchés. En Côte d’Ivoire, aux Seychelles, au Ghana, ou en Thaïlande, des milliers de petites mains s’activent jour et nuit pour produire du poisson pas cher. Comment s’y retrouver dans ce marché mondialisé ? Toutes les espèces se valent-elles ? Buy gold ? Investigation, de la mer à l’assiette.
Reruns : Wednesday 01.04 10:00 and Friday 10.04 at 10:00