News Year 2015 March Recalls

Recall of steaks chopped at the Restos du Coeur

Frozen burgers

Product recalled by : THE CŒUR RESTAURANTS


Product : Minced beef frozen 15% MG

Model : Receipt of the European Fund for the poorest

UBD : 28/10/16 (Figure on the bag plastic packing chopped steaks)

Departments potentially affected : 18, 36, 50, 55, 57, 59, 62, 68, 80, 88, 89, 93, 95

Reason for recall : Suspicion of the presence of salmonella.

Council : It is recommended not to consume the product but to destroy and to make contact with its centre of the Restos du Coeur.

People who have used the products mentioned above and explaining these symptoms, are encouraged to consult their doctor indicating this consumption.

In a general way, It should be recalled that cooking to heart of products allows to prevent the consequences of such contamination, the bacteria being destroyed at a temperature of 65 ° C.

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Pascal (Facebook)
Pascal (Facebook)
10 years earlier

Beurk Go Vg !!!

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