Your website Food Alerts are now since most of 4 years !
We would first like to thank you for being more likely to visit the site, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Attentive to your needs, nous avons décidé pour cette nouvelle année de changer totalement le design du site afin de vous proposer une expérience plus agréable.
Les principales améliorations sont les suivantes :
- Nouveau design et nouvelle ergonomie
- Site entirely suitable for tablets and smartphones
- Affichage plus rapide des pages (new host)
- Video library improved
- Withdrawal of elements and deprecated features
- Ability to share more easily recall alerts (on Facebook including)
- Estimate of the time of reading displayed under the title of the article
- More readable and clearer comment system
Hoping this site redesign you like, do not hesitate to give us your opinion in the comments below or on our page Facebook.
Thanks again to all for your support, the team of Food Alerts wish you a very nice end of year !