Categories: NewsYear 2013March

The fecal matter in the IKEA pies ?

Ikea pie - chokladkrokantIkea pie - chokladkrokant

The Ikea Group announced Tuesday that it was withdrawing its cafeterias in 23 countries of the pies on which the Chinese health authorities have found bacteria usually witnesses of fecal contamination.

IKEA has indicated to AFP have taken this decision after the destruction by the Chinese customs 1 800 cakes appelés “chokladkrokant (“croquants au chocolat”, the almonds with chocolate pie, cream butter and caramel) intercepted at the port of Shanghai in November.

And after the English-language daily Shanghai Daily, tests had determined that they contained “un niveau excessif de bactéries coliformes”. These bacteria, normally little dangerous for consumers, sont généralement “an indication of faecal contamination, Although this is not always the case, has explained to AFP a microbiologist of the Swedish food safety authority, Mats Lindblad.

Pies in question were manufactured by a Swedish supplier, Almondy.

A spokeswoman for Ikea, Ylva Magnusson, has pointed out that the level of concentration of these bacteria posed no serious danger to public health. Elle a déclaré qu’“il y a des indications selon lesquelles les niveaux de bactéries découverts sont bas mais nous devons évidemment connaître le chiffre exact, et savoir ce qui s’est passé”.

Ikea pie - ChokladkrokantIkea pie - Chokladkrokant

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And after the daily Southwest, IKEA reportedly confirmed to la DGCCRF (Directorate-General for competition, consumption and the repression of fraud), that two batches of these contaminated cakes have been marketed in its cafeterias in France. The Group adds that it has removed these lots and sampled on lots of these products. The DGCCRF as it “vérifie […] the effectiveness of the implemented internal self-checking system in place by Ikea, ainsi que tous les éléments relatifs à cette affaire”, We reported Southwest.

End of February and beginning of March, IKEA had withdrawn from sale in 25 countries of meatballs, After the discovery of the DNA of horse that was not mentioned on the label.

Food represented during exercise 2011-2012 (completed end of August) 4,7% the turnover of Ikea, with sales of 1,3 EUR billion.

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Sources :

  • AFP
  • Southwest
F. Boyat

View Comments

    • Merci de bien lire l'article avant de critiquer les chinois comme certains l'ont fait...

      The vendor of the product is Swedish, c'est la douane chinoise qui a contrôlé la cargaison... Donc au contraire les chinois contrôle peut-être plus que nous en France...

  • I think it's shame to remove these pies, j'en ai acheté au moins 10 and their taste was sea-VEIL-LEUX !!! <3 Dogs eat the droppings of cats because there are nutrients inside then why not we ? It is time to change our eating habits.

  • J'ai apprécie la tarte, but I find that the taste of the POO do not feel enough ( for my taste ), me being scatophile. I do not understand why this turns off the other ...

    After, les goûts et les couleurs...

    • D'accord avec toi !! Les gens s'inquiète pour rien !!! Personne n'est mort ! C'est tjrs moins dangereux que la pate a tartiner ou les bonbons !

  • Hi all, je ne suis pas d'accord avec cette article, j'ai mangé au moins une vingtaine de fois cette tarte délicieuse et je suis en très bonne santé <3 ! Je tiens à signaler que les chiens mangent les crottes de chats car il y a encore des nutriments... Why not do the same ! We all come from the same place ( the vagina of our mother lol !), We are mammals ! It is time to change our habits of consumption and supply ! So long live shit !

    • Je t'avoue que je n'étais pas au courant pour les nutriments, but this is one more reason to add to list !As you say deep shit !
      Si jamais tu souhaiterais qu'on s'échange des recettes de caca, No problem, did you already do Donuts ?

      (amusing your nickname, that reminds me of an actor)

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