News Year 2012 October

PACA : 18 intoxicated persons by organic flour

Buckwheat flour

Farine de Sarrasin


Eighteen people from the region Provence-Alpes-Azur were victims of food poisoning by organic buckwheat flour contaminated by Dope, We reported the ARS (Regional agency of health). These eighteen people, seven were hospitalized and one person is still under surveillance but his condition "does not major concern inspire., has stated the Director of the ARS, Martine Rifard-Voilque.

Datura is a poisonous plant for man (high alkaloid content) and grows wild sometimes on the edge of fields and can contaminate crops at harvest.

The ARS reminds us the symptoms of poisoning by datura : « dry mouth, dilated pupils, eye disorders, tachycardia, agitation, confusion, spatial and temporal disorientation, hallucinations, inconsistent lyrics. » If people have these symptoms, While having consumed the buckwheat flour, they should quickly consult a physician.

Furthermore, If you have buckwheat flour, It is advisable to contact place of purchase to determine whether the product is affected by this warning.

Shops (bakeries, creperies, etc.) have been informed of this contamination and have stopped the marketing of the products made from this flour.

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Nadia (from Facebook)
Nadia (from Facebook)
12 years earlier

eat organic c ' is very healthy…… !!!

12 years earlier

You are right: bio it is dangerous ! It is better eating vegetables stuffed full of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides and if possible packaged in cans lined with bisphenol A and phthalates. A good industrial flour stored in silos where it discharges of insectides is ideal for pancakes of Candlemas !
At least with all these products, It is more pissed off with nature: No insect so no bird: burn it quiet and it will not be disturbed at the cemetery !

Dominique (from Facebook)
Dominique (from Facebook)
12 years earlier

Ben, had PACA eat !!!!!

Josselin (from Facebook)
Josselin (from Facebook)
12 years earlier

and yet a negative thing on PACA lol !

Ovila legarer
Ovila legarer
12 years earlier

And one of the main symptoms is that it does not pacaca correctly :))

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