News Year 2012 August Recalls

The pieces of metal horse sausage

The horse sausage the brand SNVC and NEW VEPELI including the object of a recall following the discovery of the presence of pieces of metal.

Sausages have been marketed since mid-July in different signs of distribution (the RADIUS free service and the traditional RADIUS), in stores, retail and in butcher shops.

The SNVC brand products include the following references :

  • Lot no. : 121980034, 121980029, 122050015, 122050016
  • Use by date : regardless of the DLC to the 19/08
  • Approval No. : FR 27 656 01 THIS

The NEW VEPELI brand products include the following references :

  • No. lots : 5513, 5681
  • Use by date : regardless of the DLC
  • Approval No. : B 1030 EG

People who bought these products are invited to destroy them or bring back them instead of sale for a refund.

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12 years earlier


I just discovered this site and notes the amount of alarmist articles.

Why not to publish more articles on how to properly eat instead of only emphasise the danger of certain products?

I found this site too disturbing and will not go back because it proposes no alternatives.

12 years earlier

I think on the contrary very well this site which informs of the dangers of food. Why propose alternatives ? Apart from doing self even her vegetable garden, its own meat, its own fish, What do you want as solution?
It is important to have a site like this that informs and which prevents.

” Prevention is better than cure “. I like be prevented, I will come back.

11 years earlier

Cheers for the Info
All this is well enough.
I'll publicize your site
Really congratulations for this work of public safety, This is the case to say

Roland leygue

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