Minced meat suspected of being contaminated with e. coli. Coli

Update of 25 June 2011 :

In a press release, society Spanghero, We learn that the alert on the minced meat was lifted following the analysis :

Communiqué – Alerte levée sur les viandes hachées fraiches

Original article from 23 June 2011 :

After the withdrawal, Last week, from chopped steaks that were at the origin of the contamination of several children in the North of the France, Here is a new reminder of minced meat, pellets and chopped steaks.

The Spanghero company, based in the Aude, has announced on Wednesday that it was the recall of beef brand «Maison Spanghero», « Steak Country '. and « Well seen. because it «» has detected a non-compliant analytical result in a batch of fresh chopped steaks », indicates the group in a statement. The presence of potentially Pathogenic Escherichia Coli bacteria is suspected and is being confirmed by the national reference laboratory.

The recalled products all have a date limit of consumption between the 20 and the 25 June 2011 and bear the health stamp : EN - 11.076.002 - EC.

This reminder of size concerns E.Leclerc stores, Intermarché, The Mutant, Lidl, Stores U and independents, in almost all of the France, but especially in the South.

Consumers who have purchased these products are invited to return them to the store for a refund.

The Spanghero company announced a toll-free number for questions :
0 800 000 158.

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