Posts Drinks

Coca-Cola, a dangerous and carcinogenic drink

Updated article : 07/11/2017

Coca-Cola in figures

The Coca-Cola multinationale vend 1,8 billion drinks per day in more than 200 countries of the world ! Every second, 12 600 people buy a Coke product.

Although turnover Coke group declined slightly in recent years, in 2016, it was a more turnover of 39,7 billion euros either, all the same, progression 50 % compared to 2010. This multinational is the first global company in the beverage industry, who proposes more than 500 beverage brands sparkling and !

This gigantic firm, known in the entire world, is very far from perfect. We will look primarily to the mythical trademark drink and the effects it has on the human body.

Consumption of Coca-Cola in the world :

Click on the image to enlarge

A French drinks on average 20,7 litres Coca-Cola per year while an American in average drinks 99,5 litres and a Mexican 105,9 litres (in 2014).

Ingredients of Coca-Cola :

Carbonated water ; sugar ; dye : Caramel E150d ; acidifier : phosphoric acid ; natural flavours (plant extracts), including caffeine.

A drink very (too much ?) sweet

A can of Coca-Cola (33 cl) contains 35 g sugar the equivalent of 7 sugar lumps !

Canette de Coca-Cola équivalent en morceaux de sucre

A bottle of 2 L of Coca-Cola contains 212 g sugar the equivalent of 42,5 sugar lumps !

Bouteille de Coca-Cola équivalent en morceaux de sucre

The classic Coca-Cola contains, as we see, a huge amount of sucrose. Too high-dose, sugar can have harmful effects on health and cause of Diabetes, ’obesity and tooth decays.


When it ingests a large amount of sucrose, the blood glucose level increases in the blood. The pancreas will secrete a hormone called “insulin”. Insulin is designed to store glucose mainly in muscles and liver that the organization still has a stable rate of glucose available (between 0.8 and 1 g/L for a man). When blood sugar is very high, the cells become accustomed to insulin making this last less effective. When sugar cannot be stored effectively is still too high (Hyperglycemia) in the blood, causing diseases such as diabetes.


Excess sugar is one of the main causes of obesity. Talking to actual pandemic currently both the phenomenon increasingly momentum with our food too oily and too sweet. And after l’WHO (World Health Organization) in 2016, 39 % adults are overweight and 13 % are obese worldwide. In France, one in two adults is overweight according to a report from the health agency Public Health in France 2015.

A large study in the United States on 43 000 adults and 4 000 adolescents showed that drinking one or more soft drinks per day, increases 27 % the likelihood of becoming obese. In addition, 62 % adults who drink at least one soda per day are overweight or obese.


Sucrose is one of the elements the more cariogenic. Very sweet soft drinks consumption, like the Coca-Cola, increases in mouth bacterial activity, which releases the acid attacking the enamel of the teeth and eventually cause cavities. Because phosphoric acid, Coca-Cola is very acidic, It has a pH between 2,5 and 2,7. This acidity still decreases the pH of the mouth and particularly promotes the development of caries.

Phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid which gives this sour taste to the Coca-Cola presents risks for health based studies.

Indeed, high levels of phosphoric acid promotes the kidney stones and the kidney function. U.S. researchers conducted a study on 500 people with kidney failure had be diagnosed. Comparing them with a control group and by collecting information on eating habits, more specifically the consumption of beverages, they saw qu’from two glasses of Coca-Cola daily risk to kidney failure were multiplied by two, the health reporter, Isabelle Eustache. She said that this was also the case with the Coca-Cola “Light” and that no association could be established for other carbonated drinks, who use to most citric acid.

Phosphoric acid is also known to slow digestion, promote bone diseases such as osteoporosis and reduce the absorption of calcium by the bones. If Coca-Cola consumption remains moderate and non-daily these problems should not appear.


Caffeine contained in a can (33 cl) varies between 33 mg (Classic Coca-Cola) and 42 mg (Coca-Cola Light). The dose which begins to feel the adverse effects of caffeine is located between 100 and 160 mg per day, knowing that the upper limit of daily caffeine consumption is 200 mg. There is thus a risk of absorbing a toxic dose of caffeine resulting in adverse side effects such as problems :

  • Cardiovascular (high blood pressure, tachycardia) in extreme cases can lead to sudden death.
  • urinary by flight minerals (magnesium, sodium, calcium) What can accentuate electrolyte disorders during effort, causing injury and decreasing recovery. The diuretic effect results meanwhile dehydration.
  • Respiratory (brochodilatation)
  • Digestive (stimulation of intestinal motor, Increased gastric acidity etc.)
  • Behavioural neuro (anxiety, irritability, earthquakes etc.)

Main side effects of caffeine (Click to enlarge)

Main symptoms of a caffeine overdose (Click to enlarge)


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11 years earlier

It is true that Coca is a very sweet drink and not very healthy if consumed in excess. Aspartame would (It is not safe) but toxic properties of the to point the finger and say that Coca is the source of all our woes stop.
PS : Lupus is a disease linked to a failure of the immune system that attack the body ( I do not see how the Coca has to do with it).

11 years earlier

No, but guys need to stop being paranoid when … Since when coca has become a deadly drink ? non but order your delirium. If we were to believe any bullshit like this, We arreterais eat because in such trick y'a of the machin, in other trick y' has its … not but stop what. I want although its not be top for health, OK, but the â tell us that in 10 years it will all die because ' on wood of the coca … WHOA. A little coke never hurts anyone and… Read more "

A passerby
A passerby
11 years earlier

There are many reasons to not drink coca :

9 years earlier

and as they say, excess in all night, all is to be moderate

9 years earlier

serious bu JHA of coca duran my youth .
now I try the minimal possible den coca as another fanta 7up drink…..

11 years earlier

Too good Yes coca!!! Only I drink two to three litres per day…never water results calculation to kidney pain gastric sensation of body acide.bref now am l water and j hope that I will feel better in some weeks

11 years earlier


I have a friend large consumer of coca. He wood every day since 10-15 years.
There result nodes and ultimately it is a leukemia!! it to 38 years!!

11 years earlier

Stop coca! This is what I say since almost 1 years. I'm not alone in my entourage, my family, mine is exactly the same thing. Everything in there is harmful to health. Sugar, caffeine and I pass. However, the real reason for why I stop drinking this drink is any other. During a course in french, My teacher told us about this famous soda. And she told us that the water contained in the coca came from aquifers of the India, not that I think. I've just… Read more "

11 years earlier

The coca is bad for health. You drink a bobbin, you drink 7 pieces of sugars. You find it normal, Not me. Normally you should be so écœurez that you should gerbez. But he put inside products there is the impression that one drinks. I do more for nearly wood 1 years and I me in is not worse. The real reason for why I have stop to drink is especially the way in which they acquire the water contained in the coca. This is surely not written in this text. The coca-cola company operates poor countries… Read more "

11 years earlier

1 Cup of coffee (200 ml coffee filter or 1 Espresso) = 75-100 mg. the recommended maximum intake is 300 mg of caffeine per day, be more or less 3 cups of coffee (237 ml)

1 can of coca-cola = 33mg

It is therefore necessary to drink 9 cans of Coca-Cola or Coca-Cola 3L to arrive at this rate (corresponding to 3 cups of coffee), which is just huge….

I'm not for the consumption of these beverages but stop telling bullshit under the pretext of defending arguments …..

11 years earlier

Still talking about the more drunk beverage in the world. This leaves thoughtful and full of question mark.

11 years earlier

They say anything on CocaCola!! think, compare with other products!
Some fruit juices contain more sugar that CocaCola adds!
10,6g per 100ml!! look away, It is the average of all fruit juice 100%!
There is therefore no more sugar in a glass of coca, in a glass of Apple juice!!
Or so the problem?
Make you account! in a box 1 Kg sugar you have the equivalent of one Kg of sugar!! don't buy more than box of 1 Kg sugar!

10 years earlier
Reply to David

only the water is useful for live.
everything else is just bizness without qualms

9 years earlier
Reply to David

Not false

11 years earlier

While many study turns to the misdeeds of the Cola. Of the other part, You should know that : – Most fruit juices are all as acidic as coca : for example orange juice (Ph 3.5), lemon juice (2.9) – Juices may be also very sweet (ex : Apple juice : 29g of carbohydrates per 250ml) – They can be poorly digested and, most importantly, does not contain as much vitamin believed (the less juice bottled by trade). Vitamins degrades quickly (lights, temperatures…); – Water from… Read more "

Marcel Louis
Marcel Louis
10 years earlier

nice advertisement for Pepsi 🙂

10 years earlier

Hi there,too many ” Gerede”
but seriously, coca is a dangerous product for the health of humanity

Armelle Jamont
Armelle Jamont
10 years earlier

What shocks me the most,this is the number of spelling and grammar mistakes
that can be read in all these comments. How sad!

9 years earlier

Yes unfortunately! I have bad eyes and wonder what makes the school so be it. I would die of shame as for me, If I had to write so!

Please excuse the absence of emphasis: I live in Latin America now and on Spanish keyboards there is not own accents has the French language.

cédric frenna
cédric frenna
7 years earlier

I hate people, who, running out of arguments or because they don't want to listen to what’ we have to tell them, close the door (in inverted commas), to any discussion. Good to hear hi.

Cédric Frenna
Cédric Frenna
3 years earlier

Let's still hear what people have to say. The dress does not always make the monk when it comes to ideas.

Cédric Frenna
Cédric Frenna
3 years earlier

Personally, I don't like coke.
I'm drinking coffee, I have been smoking since I was fourteen, and this is life.
What is sadder in one uneducated person than in another?
We can be good and just as ridiculous.
In addition, some people are toxic, let's avoid- the.

2 years earlier

(Pour voué dire qu’il ne fait pas beau)

10 years earlier

Oh yes a concentrate of spelling error! !! It is inoui!! It is not serious. .to your grammar please!

10 years earlier

Oops!!! spelling errors!

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