Posts Drinks

Coca-Cola, a dangerous and carcinogenic drink

Updated article : 07/11/2017

Coca-Cola in figures

The Coca-Cola multinationale vend 1,8 billion drinks per day in more than 200 countries of the world ! Every second, 12 600 people buy a Coke product.

Although turnover Coke group declined slightly in recent years, in 2016, it was a more turnover of 39,7 billion euros either, all the same, progression 50 % compared to 2010. This multinational is the first global company in the beverage industry, who proposes more than 500 beverage brands sparkling and !

This gigantic firm, known in the entire world, is very far from perfect. We will look primarily to the mythical trademark drink and the effects it has on the human body.

Consumption of Coca-Cola in the world :

Click on the image to enlarge

A French drinks on average 20,7 litres Coca-Cola per year while an American in average drinks 99,5 litres and a Mexican 105,9 litres (in 2014).

Ingredients of Coca-Cola :

Carbonated water ; sugar ; dye : Caramel E150d ; acidifier : phosphoric acid ; natural flavours (plant extracts), including caffeine.

A drink very (too much ?) sweet

A can of Coca-Cola (33 cl) contains 35 g sugar the equivalent of 7 sugar lumps !

Canette de Coca-Cola équivalent en morceaux de sucre

A bottle of 2 L of Coca-Cola contains 212 g sugar the equivalent of 42,5 sugar lumps !

Bouteille de Coca-Cola équivalent en morceaux de sucre

The classic Coca-Cola contains, as we see, a huge amount of sucrose. Too high-dose, sugar can have harmful effects on health and cause of Diabetes, ’obesity and tooth decays.


When it ingests a large amount of sucrose, the blood glucose level increases in the blood. The pancreas will secrete a hormone called “insulin”. Insulin is designed to store glucose mainly in muscles and liver that the organization still has a stable rate of glucose available (between 0.8 and 1 g/L for a man). When blood sugar is very high, the cells become accustomed to insulin making this last less effective. When sugar cannot be stored effectively is still too high (Hyperglycemia) in the blood, causing diseases such as diabetes.


Excess sugar is one of the main causes of obesity. Talking to actual pandemic currently both the phenomenon increasingly momentum with our food too oily and too sweet. And after l’WHO (World Health Organization) in 2016, 39 % adults are overweight and 13 % are obese worldwide. In France, one in two adults is overweight according to a report from the health agency Public Health in France 2015.

A large study in the United States on 43 000 adults and 4 000 adolescents showed that drinking one or more soft drinks per day, increases 27 % the likelihood of becoming obese. In addition, 62 % adults who drink at least one soda per day are overweight or obese.


Sucrose is one of the elements the more cariogenic. Very sweet soft drinks consumption, like the Coca-Cola, increases in mouth bacterial activity, which releases the acid attacking the enamel of the teeth and eventually cause cavities. Because phosphoric acid, Coca-Cola is very acidic, It has a pH between 2,5 and 2,7. This acidity still decreases the pH of the mouth and particularly promotes the development of caries.

Phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid which gives this sour taste to the Coca-Cola presents risks for health based studies.

Indeed, high levels of phosphoric acid promotes the kidney stones and the kidney function. U.S. researchers conducted a study on 500 people with kidney failure had be diagnosed. Comparing them with a control group and by collecting information on eating habits, more specifically the consumption of beverages, they saw qu’from two glasses of Coca-Cola daily risk to kidney failure were multiplied by two, the health reporter, Isabelle Eustache. She said that this was also the case with the Coca-Cola “Light” and that no association could be established for other carbonated drinks, who use to most citric acid.

Phosphoric acid is also known to slow digestion, promote bone diseases such as osteoporosis and reduce the absorption of calcium by the bones. If Coca-Cola consumption remains moderate and non-daily these problems should not appear.


Caffeine contained in a can (33 cl) varies between 33 mg (Classic Coca-Cola) and 42 mg (Coca-Cola Light). The dose which begins to feel the adverse effects of caffeine is located between 100 and 160 mg per day, knowing that the upper limit of daily caffeine consumption is 200 mg. There is thus a risk of absorbing a toxic dose of caffeine resulting in adverse side effects such as problems :

  • Cardiovascular (high blood pressure, tachycardia) in extreme cases can lead to sudden death.
  • urinary by flight minerals (magnesium, sodium, calcium) What can accentuate electrolyte disorders during effort, causing injury and decreasing recovery. The diuretic effect results meanwhile dehydration.
  • Respiratory (brochodilatation)
  • Digestive (stimulation of intestinal motor, Increased gastric acidity etc.)
  • Behavioural neuro (anxiety, irritability, earthquakes etc.)

Main side effects of caffeine (Click to enlarge)

Main symptoms of a caffeine overdose (Click to enlarge)


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Coca-Cola : Place your glass and look…
13 years earlier

[…] Brief, it is unnecessary for me to repeat a study, I'm just a simple summary. Promote water. (but here too there is a lot to say, prefer spring water and mineral water) When I see young people « rotate Coca» (or simply to soft drinks) everyday… This is quite worrying, because they are unaware of the high concentration of sugar. If you want to scare you for good, continue reading. […]

12 years earlier

do klk'1 can inform me on the fact that Coca-Cola removes thirst but later it dehydrates!!! I heard about it and I have one can experienced! Thank you

10 years earlier
Reply to Ras

Hey yes, my dear / my dear I assure you.. This is quite harmful to health this drink have to be removed from the walk.. It is carcinogenic.. Well dehydrated..

10 years earlier
Reply to Molly

It seems that Coca Cola because of syntax and spelling problems. Avoid maximum !

1 year earlier
Reply to Rom

lol motherfucker

11 years earlier

It's good to make a time to wakeup time. On the other hand, small correction : we are 7 billion on Earth whose 4.6 billion adults, 1,4 billion (OMS March 2013) people at least 20 years are at least overweight making 30 % and not one in two adults ! The error is not negligible…

10 years earlier

Y mooring this American symbol that is the coke

13 years earlier

yeah, Coca violates our grandmothers, FN vote and also !

11 years earlier
Reply to scalp


10 years earlier
Reply to scalp

Navy's my friend =)

13 years earlier

Yes, scalp, and the global warming (and the solar system) and the enlargement of the ozone hole.

But what can you expect from a substance that produces both insomnia and drowsiness, as we learn from the zolie zimaze above titled “Main side effects of caffeine.”

13 years earlier

And when one wants to denounce the ugly drink that this that this and be believed, better not to advertise fake diets “5 Prohibited foods: Remove a lot of belly every day with an old trick.” If not, instead of being believed, we are done.

Emile Duconlajoie
Emile Duconlajoie
13 years earlier

I also read a study that claims, but I have not verified, that,Coke was among children grow spikes earrings.
This is an expert who said that at Schweppes …
So attention..on also call it the black widow….
the rumor…

11 years earlier

You must surely work for Coca Cola.

13 years earlier

I know what to eat or drink anything !!!

10 years earlier
Reply to nasturtium

Wood Coca Cola without moderation

13 years earlier

cola coca problematic for certain culture

11 years earlier
Reply to ......


10 years earlier
Reply to ......

In any case not for coca cultivation!

13 years earlier

coke is the preferred beverage andry TGV (the coup in Madagascar)

12 years earlier
Reply to doc

niahahaha!! strongly ke the consequences be proven on him!! za gasy!

12 years earlier
Reply to Ras

well said, za kou gasy

13 years earlier

That cola is bad for people by consuming it regularly, I don't mind but concerning the caffeine, do not abuse either ; a cup of coffee contains it 2-3 times more.
However, for people who consume a lot of caffeine regularly, there may be withdrawal symptoms during a sudden stop.

I think it's a good idea to be informed, but you shouldn't get too paranoid or on the contrary be totally naive.

13 years earlier

Concerning sugar, I advise you to replace it with xylitol which would only be toxic for dogs, dissolves easily and tastes very similar to sugar (unlike stevia which I personally don't like).
Also, avoid buying it in pharmacies because the prices are exorbitant, it will be cheaper for you to buy on certain American sites.

11 years earlier

Hi my name is Lea. I have been an insulin dependent diabetic for more than 18 years now and I am 21. In short, aspartame is carcinogenic and sugar for me has to be avoided… I eat what shit?? –‘

10 years earlier
Reply to merchant

are you fat ?

13 years earlier

According to the edition of 1993 New Petit Robert (Dictionary of the French language), the ” Coca-Cola ” is a carbonated drink made from coca and cola nuts. And always according to this same edition and this same dictionary, ” Coca ” is a shrub (linaceae) whose evergreen contain alkaloids including cocaine. If you believe this dictionary and others, coca extracts (It is I who says) be hiding (in the list of ingredients) behind the generic term ” plant extracts “. That's all I had to say…

12 years earlier

I love non-goals of such items that do that based on non-scientific judgments, speculation, a can “BLA bla” Grandmother. Thank you for making me laugh. Almost anything can cause cancer, the granite furniture that your homes. Everything is a question of quantity, steady. Was, already that these substances have NEVER been proven as harmful (but yes, as it is not “natural”, it scares grandmothers ; remember that the hemlock is “natural”), these products are present in tiny quantities. So yes, maybe there is a danger regarding these products, but as much as he can… Read more "

12 years earlier
Reply to Nicolas

Totally agree, no objectivity in this article : everything in coke is deadly when you read it ^^

12 years earlier
Reply to Nicolas

Nicolas, your intervention seems to me just as doubtful as the nonsense that you seem to denounce. No basis, no solid counter-argument and the granite blow… it smells like smoke right in front of you ! In this case, there is nothing natural about coke and the balance certainly does not correspond to the average consumption of young Americans and soon Europeans..
But maybe you have some interests to defend the big brand…

12 years earlier
Reply to Nicolas

I agree with Arnosocio, Nicolas, you don't have to be a grandmother to know that coke isn't good for your health.… It's very clear … But hey, everyone has their own opinion., I respect yours. And it's true that everything becomes too carcinogenic… Cigarettes have the c that c can give cancer and g still smoked… And I shouldn't have 'cause I'm one of a few people who have the bad luck to get this shit, and i got it … Laryngeal cancer … But hey, that's not the debate, coca c… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Alexis

you must be ugly

11 years earlier
Reply to Matthew

You must be dumb.

12 years earlier

I always said that CACACOLA was not good

12 years earlier

The FDA is currently studying the partition of CSPI claims that the total ban of caramel colors containing 4-MEI found in Coke or Pepsi. Anyway these chemicals have no place in the food chain

12 years earlier

I have a good reason to drink Coca me …

12 years earlier
Reply to roronoa

not excess qd same

12 years earlier
Reply to roronoa

You think it's good but it metes things in Coke for ten encor always want more like cigarettes , they just want the money the earth revolves around money , planet of shit !

the 43
the 43
12 years earlier
Reply to Tris

it's not the planet that is crap, is the biped vi above…nuance

the 43
the 43
12 years earlier
Reply to Tris

it's not the planet that is shit, this is the biped that lives on…nuance

11 years earlier
Reply to Tris

In this case do not eat anything more, ni yahourt, no aperitifs (dry cake for example, even more chips!), no other charcuterie and company…

Go straight to kill the sheep in the meadow, or the cow (and yes 90% of the beef you eat is cow…) and grill it, oh no that too is carcinogenic to grill, the meat!

Cancer psychosis makes anyone say anything!

11 years earlier
Reply to Reload

Yeah meat is definitely not essential for man , already it is not made to consume as we do not possess the jaws and the system of carnivorous C is like milk dégueulasserie c is the same ( shlingue that when we pass nearby the rays of milk c is impressive that gives the sheaf ) C is a highly toxic poison us find out the cola poo is an excellent product for the toilet scoured it well ( especially if t has tartiolé good in the hole )… Read more "

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