Austrian film 96 minutes directed by Erwin Wagenhofer in 2005
Released in the 25 April 2007 available on DVD since the 4 March 2008
Literally translated as "we feed the world"., This Austrian documentary reveals the absurdity of agri-food around the world. Jean Ziegler, special rapporteur on the right to food at the United Nations, says that 'every day '., one hundred thousand people die of hunger. World agriculture can feed without problem 12 billion people. In other words, each child who dies of hunger is in fact murdered.. The report points to frigid strategies of States and multinational. We realize that having chicken packed only a few euros per kilo and all kinds of fresh vegetables at any time of the year, a huge environmental and social impacts.
The documentary takes US to Spain where intensive cultivation, to produce our vegetables, causes local water shortages ; the Brazil where farmers are malnourished while the country is the largest exporter of soybeans in the world, in industrial poultry, passing by vessels fishing in Brittany and fields of culture in Romania.
This terrible vision of the world in which we live is essential to understand the real cost of what we eat daily.
This very informative documentary opens however also some passages in this lucrative and inhumane machinery that seems unstoppable.
Overall rating : 4/5
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Photo credits : The images are extracted from the documentary We Feed The World and therefore their property, all rights their are reserved.
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where one can find a list of healthy consumer product, and does it still exist ? car là c'est la grande foutaise pour notre terre et tout ce qui vit, c'est quand que les ultras pollueurs et tous les habitants pollués vont trouver un accord pour une vie meilleure ? et c'est là que je dis a bas le trou de la sécurité sociale, gouvernements de la terre ça ne va plus du tout du tout mais qu'avez vous dans la tête seriez-vous DONC plus pollue que toute la pollution matérielle et chimique existante ? lisez moi et agissez au nom de nos futurs enfants, A bas le chômage LA on a du BOULOT.