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What fruit juice to choose ?

You have well noticed, all 'fruit juice' are not worth. How to choose the 'fruit juice' among the proposed multitude ? What are the differences between «» 100% fruit juice "., «Fruit juice», Nectars and other juices made from concentrate ?

100% fruit juices

By definition a fruit juice comes from the pressure of "healthy" fruit, mature, non-fermented"according to the decree in force. It is, however, possible for manufacturers to add certain additives, sometimes without even have to note on the list of ingredients, What "trick" even the most savvy (It is not provided that these added ingredients are particularly bad for your health). Thus can be added, Although they are noted in the ingredients, sugar where the amount does not exceed 50 g/L, flavourings, spices and salt below 1 g/L. Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) can also be added.

Pure fruit juice (or 100% pure fruit juice)

A drink that bears this name cannot contain, According to the law, no additives. It is obtained by pressure then pasteurized before being conditioned.

Fresh fruit juices

They do not heat treatment undergo when bottling and do therefore not long keep. They are the subject of a simple pressure of the fruit.

"The fresh juices and pure fruit juices are exclusively obtained by mechanical means and so are foods that contain all the nutrients fruits except fibers that are more often in reduced, and so bring water , carbohydrates, vitamins (Vitamin C, Vitamin B9, beta carotene), minerals (potassium) and the constituents «non-nutritive» fruit (polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, limonene, terpenes,…) »[2]

Juice made from concentrate

It is a reconstituted from fruit concentrate fruit juice. The fruits are partially dehydrated (to be transported) and then reconstituted with the same amount of water.


The nectars are similar to fruit juices but are made with mashed potatoes or fruit pulp. They "often contain at least 50% fruit pulp diluted in 50 to 70 % water, Depending on the amount of this pulp"according to Dukan. They contain much less vitamin C and generally lots of sugar (up to 200g of sugar added per litre).

The fruit drinks

These drinks contain more than 12% fruit juice, the rest being completed by water, carbon dioxide, food acids, natural flavors, etc. The preservatives and dyes are however prohibited.

From fruit "juices" are generally good for health because help to cover not only mineral salts and vitamins needs but also the body's water needs. A good nutritional quality, they are also devoid of lipids. The sugars present are mostly fructose but also the glucose, sucrose and sorbitol. For children should still monitor the use which may be, excess, source of obesity (especially for the sweeter) and that can sometimes be poorly digested by toddlers. Attention also to the fruit juices where sweeteners are added.

Main references :

[1] Whether dining - food - Jean-Michel Cohen and Patrick Séroq guide

[2] Children's health and medical juices - Review 2001 -Jean-Michel Lecerf

F. Boyat

View Comments

    • Only fresh fruits pressed home by hand or in a centrifuge (without skins) vous garantissent que vous n'aurez que le sucre contenu dans les fruits. Attention, certains fruits contiennent plus de sucre que d'autres. Warning, If you are undergoing treatment for heart NE PAS CONSUME grapefruit !

  • Yes, je suis bien d'accord, I do everything myself at home, especially fruit juices. I started also to the smoothies. For me, c'est un gage de qualité et de naturel. The vast majority of store-bought fruit juices are for me much too sweet. With homemade, je sais exactement ce qui se trouve à l'intérieur de ce que je mange et de ce que je bois.

  • In fact, all fruits stored at ambient temperature juices have therefore been pasteurized no significant quality difference , reconstituted or not !
    But the house juice remains superior in quality mainly because of the varieties, niveaux de maturité...

  • But do not abuse the juice, same house, car quasi plus de fibres donc presque de l'eau sucrée
    Type in Google "sugar water fruit juice"

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