Fatty and sugary foods Posts

Nutella contains the most dangerous phthalate : DEHP

Ray pots of Nutella

With three quarters of families who eat Nutella in France, We are the largest consumer of this dough spreads worldwide ! [1] Not satisfied to be a very bold and very sweet food (see article here), Nutella also contains the phthalate the most dangerous of which is : DEHP. Ferrero acknowledges this phthalate is present in the Nutella but says that the amount is too low to be able to have an impact on health.

What does the phthalate DEHP ?

The phthalate DEHP is a chemical substance that allows to increase the flexibility of plastic materials. Found phthalates in soft plastic packaging as the food trays, bags, movies plastic etc. They migrate from packaging into the product, says a toxicologist from the federal Office for the environment in Germany. That is how we find on our lunch when we eat Nutella.

What are the effects of phthalates like DEHP ?

Phthalates are hormone disruptors that cause disorders including inducing the infertility in humans. It is estimated that, in industrialized countries, a man produces two times less sperm that produced his grand father at the same age. Phthalates are also suspected carcinogens.

In 2008, After completing a study on the development of testis in vitro, l’INSERM has claimed that phthalates were “deleterious for the male reproductive potential in the human species”. This substance is even before birth on the development of the fetus of pregnant women.

The federal Office of the German environment has made a study on 600 children and finds that 100% of them show traces of phthalates whose 5 important. The study adds that in 20% phthalates are toxic quantities. It considers that if we take into account “the cocktail effect” of these various substances, 80% children to absorb too much.

The European Commission has already banned the use of DEHP in the composition of children's toys since 1999 and provides its total ban 2012.

Similar articles :

Main sources :

  • [1]. Nutella, 40 years of fun by Gigi Padovani
  • Reportage Packaging that kills (Arte) as you can see in the Video library.
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13 years earlier

Good evening,

there is a product which provides a lot more vitamins and which also has crunchiness inside and it is also a hazelnut spread, It’s called OVOMALTINE. Sorry for the publicity stunt but if you're interested in eating something other than NUTELLA…

Kind regards.

12 years earlier
Reply to oniisan

Ovomaltine not a great product

13 years earlier

I would still rather eat Nutella every now and then than expose myself to all the other risks of every minute of my life.
(exhaust gases outside, wifi waves from my pc at the moment, the ugly rays of the sun, cross the road, eat in the company restaurant, read stupid articles, and many more).

Shit, live ! let's eat, baisons ! let's die !

13 years earlier

We're crazy!!!
It's too good.
No one will take my Nutella.

11 years earlier
Reply to David

haha I said that before I slept with it but now I'll give it to you if you want !! (jai 2 brand new pots waiting to be eaten)!!

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7 years earlier
Reply to David

Shut up

13 years earlier

You see , I am a student in 1ère S and I believe that I have greater maturity than most of the people who have commented on this article. For me the world moves forward with a quote : The best learning comes from mistakes. I take up the problem of Bisphenol A , problem that came to light , who scared all the parents since he touched the babies. Brief , the problem has been resolved and the World has moved forward a step. Today , this problem breaks out , it will undoubtedly be settled in… Read more "

13 years earlier
Reply to Robin

and the ankles are fine? thanks for the laugh anyway!! mature at first it wouldn't be known?

12 years earlier
Reply to teulié

a bit of a joke anyway as a remark
I find this useless

13 years earlier

we did not leave the bank !!!
NO to MERDIALIZATION, thinking about what we consume means being able to think about what we make, more often a dose of common sense and know-how is enough, so that our fate is not sealed by multinational machines… good luck to all good souls

13 years earlier

Nutella is sold in a glass jar…Strange link with packaging. As for the rest I don't know : whether or not there are phthalates. Let's eat everything in moderation, diversifions, and seize the day !

12 years earlier
Reply to basileth

this happens in the factory
for more explanation Contact Corinne Gouget its large specialist website

12 years earlier

I cover myself © sole addition to the lack of ethics of these à © industrial firms that are in a huge profit logic and do not care absolutely CONSA © quences Santa © , junk food every day and the lack of Compra © standing of non-conscious consumers and not informed © s still seem to ignore one thinks and lives as we eat , but after all everyone does as he wants ..

12 years earlier

To be burn nuttela is over 30% palm oil the worst oils on the health plan and what about the forests in Malaysia and Indonesia who are up to the horizon oil palm ,desolate view of the sky ,almost missing animals including eg Orang utan Who is visible that”in rehabilitation center and villagers expelled for it all peanuts for palm oil in infinite progression .Bravo Ferrero and all the industrialists who have no need of these conséquences.L'autre health scandal is the diesel particles and dioxide sulfur… Read more "

Alain J.
Alain J.
12 years earlier
Reply to ichkanian

Well said ichkanian.

One can only agree with you more, but to see some reviews here (ex juanito), there is still much work…
And every day 250 000 New bellies to feed, butter (or rather nutella ..) for all agribusiness billionaires.

12 years earlier

I wonder why they leave such an unhealthy product on the market?… I would be very happy to see Nutella disappear from our shelves, a pot of nutela is more than 50% sugar and lots of palm oil and other crap… if it is to take something so sweet and fatty the French should replace the nutela with dulce de leche (not the milk jam from your home, because you have three times more sugar, but the real Argentinian dulce de leche) it’s a thousand times better and much less harmful because… Read more "

12 years earlier

Hi Jenny,

The answer is simple, if this filthy poison of Nutella still exists it is because it brings a lot of money to Ferrero tour like its Kinder and other nonsense about food.

In fact Ferrero is the 1st fortune in Italy with 18 billions of euros in 2011 and enormous growth, from 17 Billions in 10 years.
Roughly per minute he earns what we earn on average per year…
And do it with our money…

That's why: The greed of certain individuals who don't give a damn about you and me and that you eat their m#####.

12 years earlier

Eat not this fat stuffed with Palm oil dough.

For your health ^^

11 years earlier

bun my crazy j love l

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Private navigation
7 years earlier
Reply to Flo

Shut your mouth

11 years earlier

OK hmm… It is you hear to say that exepter anyway if you do really expect or lives by the rule of “voluntary simplicity” as product nosif like that y' in a in a little loan anything… that you drink water bottled juska your steak in small packaging… The best solution in the world of capitalist in which us sharing.. It's grown our food we even… maintain the bétaille we even… Otherwise we do will always have… Whether you're a consumer educated or not… Sooner or later we realize that… Finally what we thought we were… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Doom

DSL for fouls me am not really corrected

9 years earlier
Reply to Doom

Instead of taking time to write another message, So use this time to read the first message correct… Unless you really know to write correctly and you to serve you with this hypocritical apology…

11 years earlier

I have more fear , I am addicted to Nutella like an addict is addicted to his drug. I have reached a serious point but for a few months I have been disgusted by it because I am starting to have a heartache and at the slightest physical effort my heart beats as if I had ran a long time …. the night last I fell asleep and suddenly I have on jumping it the makes me 3 times so I not wanted to sleep the night it me rotten life when I looked back I would never touch has that shit :'( I have… Read more "

9 years earlier

I see you have commented on this in 2013 and now we are 2015 You stopped the nutella or not?

front-wheel drive Magda
front-wheel drive Magda
8 years earlier

Don't worry, there is an excellent chocolate and hazelnut spread in all organic stores. You will therefore be able to continue enjoying yourself in complete safety..

11 years earlier

At what I see,the trolls of these companies are present…paid by these industrialists so that they challenge systematically tte critical on these products…

9 years earlier
Reply to zmiri

I'm not an advocate of Ferrero or Nutella, just a casual consumer. But I must admit that article on “Nutella & DHEP” would tend to make me smile : The DHEP is an endocrine disruptive phthalate, This is no doubt. These are used to soften plastics (bottles, vials, plastic films, etc), either. I imagine while it talks Nutella packaged in small plastic trays. Why then dressed article with a photo of spreads glass jars ? This discredits article and the shots throughout the site. Aiguiller… Read more "

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