American film 94 minutes directed by Robert Kenner en 2008
Released in the 02 December 2009 available on DVD since the 06 October 2010
Food, Inc.. is an American documentary, directed by Robert Kenner, which is designed to reveal the big day food derivatives while denouncing the workings of our failing system.
It gradually reveals the plot and the horror of our modern food industry. Vast expanses of corn fields GMOS the State-funded, giant slaughter plants, passing by the terms of the pitiful livestock operations, This film shows us in a complete way the limits of our food system. We are, Indeed, at years lights of packaging which implies a provenance of the traditional farm.
Equipped with a very efficient staging, This documentary is captivating and easy to access. The information is connected mixing investigated different testimonies, archive footage and other statistics.
We cannot prevent us from thinking about documentaries Fast Food Nation When you see undocumented immigrants do work the chain in slaughter plants and Super Size Me seeing an American family “Classic” having health problems, eat regularly at fast food.
Far from the caricature, This reportage shows without complex power possessed by major industries of this world who only think about the benefit to the detriment of the environment, men and animals. For this, large agri-food lobbies go to permeate organizations control of food and the highest levels of the State (ex : Monsanto). They run with an iron hand all stages of production, starting with the farmers and ranchers who are totally dependent on their system.
The documentary leaves us this unpleasant to be both guilty and helpless faced with this reality impression, but we offer solutions. He insists above all on the fact that a brighter future depends we, who decide when our three daily meals, of what we eat.
You tighten nauseated by this very informative documentary which becomes indispensable for anyone concerned about his health and the environment.
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Photo credits : The images are from the documentary film Food, Inc.. and therefore their property, all rights their are reserved.