Categories: NewsYear 2011January

Toxic rice noodles

After the scandal of milk contaminated with melamine in China, Here is the scandal of the carcinogenic rice noodles. Rice is necessary in the manufacture of noodles, Gold recently during a health inspection, the Chinese authorities have discovered that used rice was rotten or dried and toxic additives were added.! To whiten the rotten rice, the industrial use of sulphur dioxide and arrive, with a kilo of rice, to produce three kilos of finished product!

The rise in prices of foodstuffs have been damaged rice for cattle has been used, by unscrupulous people, for human consumption. Thus, According to the The youth daily Beijing, nearly fifty plants come out every day 500 tons of toxic noodles! These noodles are the basis of Chinese meals, and are eaten daily in thousands of factories in the South of the country canteens.

China has obviously not finished to talk about her, the scandals are connected and multiply. This scandal has so far not made victims according to the information available to us. To recall the adulterated milk (see this article) has rendering 300 000 sick babies and made 6 dead. Before a very sustained demand, many manufacturers do not hesitate to counterfeit foods with highly hazardous products to reduce costs.

F. Boyat

View Comments

  • Il faut absolument que tous les pays occidenteaux arrêtent immédiatement d'acheter tous produits venant de la chine sinon nous risquons la mort a grande échelle a cause de leur insouscience et leur façcon de voler, frauder et arnaquer les gens d'une manière sans vergogne sans aucune concience.....

  • Hello.
    Moi et mes enfants avons manger ces fameuses nouilles chinoises hier et cinq heures plus tard avons commencé à ressentir les symptômes d'intoxication.
    What do we have to do.
    je n'ai pas réussi a dormir suite aux symptômes (très envie de vomir mais comme ci c'était bloqué.) I am also pregnant.
    my children them are full of stomach pain before sleep and groan in their sleep.
    Penser vous que l'intoxication soit grave?
    C'est la première fois que je ressens une telle sensation dans mon ventre.

  • Hello,
    We are in 2022, I just came across this article.
    An advice : don't eat rice noodles !
    J'ai fais le malheur d'en manger récemment, j'ai passé deux jours clouée au lit, with food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, I couldn't even stand.
    A bit like a gastro.
    De grâce n'achetez pas ce produit.
    It should be taken off the shelves !
    C'est inadmissible.
    How can you poison people like this ?!
    Merci de passer l'info.

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