Organic agriculture is a system of agricultural production that respects the environment in a general sense and is based on three fundamental principles :
• This method of cultivation respects the health of consumers by providing them with safe and controlled food.
• Adhere to the nature by a choice of varieties adapted to the local climate, by crop rotation (land in fallow) and prohibits the use of synthetic chemicals.
• Elle respecte également les animaux en leur offrant une nourriture dite “bio”, promotes the races of the terroir and prohibits the use of certain drugs (antibiotics for pigs e.g.).
So by definition, no chemical synthesis (pesticide, growth hormone, fertilizer and artificial herbicide) neither any additive synthesis (dye, flavour enhancer, synthetic sweetener) must be used in the production, processing and preservation of a biological food. Il ne doit pas contenir d’GMOS (genetically modified organism). A bio processed product must have at least 95% of its ingredients from organic agriculture. For the 5% restants le producteur doit avoir une dérogation pour prouver qu’ils ne sont pas disponibles en “bio” (sea salt for example).
More than a trend, the bio is a sort of awareness of the dangers that brings industrial agriculture for man and nature. It's thinking about the future generation who were bequeathed our heritage by managing resources in a responsible and sustainable way.
Some agencies and labels have emerged to certify that a product comes from organic agriculture. See the most representative labels :
La première limite est qu’It is simply unrealistic to you want to delete 100% chemical residues bio food. The environment can easily be a contaminant (a same road away, the pollution of the air and rain, the neighbouring soil poisoning are some examples). The 5% d’ingrédients non “bio” qui constituent les aliments transformés biologiques peuvent également être contaminés. For example, sea salt that, even if it has not been processed, still could be polluted in the sea by plastics, oil or other waste all kinds.
It is undeniable that organic products are beneficial to health as are devoid, in principle (as we shall see), harmful additives for health. The taste is also, According to many people, best. This is due to the use of different varieties that are less productive (because that is not the main motivation) but tastiest. From a purely nutritional point of view, Denis Lairon, directeur de recherche de l’INSERM (National Institute of health and medical research) affirme que les teneurs en minéraux et oligo-éléments dans les fruits et légumes sont “globalement comparables” selon le mode de production (conventional or organic). In 2009, the FSA (Food Standards Agency) in the United Kingdom, confirms this idea by stating that organic products are not nutritional benefits for calcium, iron and vitamin C, based on 162 scientific studies conducted during these 50 last years. THE AFSSA (L’Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments qui est devenu l’HANDLES) happens also to these conclusions in a report from 2003.
According to a study a year ago, in 1624 stores, theUFC only choose deplores the increased cost of products bio. The Institute says that “outre le faible nombre de produits proposés, c’est surtout le prix qui rend ces produits inaccessibles” et rajoute que “le panier de produits bio de marques de distributeurs (Auchan, Leclerc, Crossroads, etc.) is 22 % more expensive than the conventional national brands basket. Worse, It is 57 % more expensive than non-organic brands distributors basket». For UFC only choose, the bio must be accessible to the greatest number and stop being a niche market. Should supermarkets to apply the same margins as to conventional products and that aid is better distributed.
It should be noted that the bio is also more expensive for other reasons. The salary reduction implies an increase of the number of people working in cultures and therefore a higher manufacturing cost. The conservation of organic products is worse because there is no specific treatment (absence of artificial preservatives, antifungal agents, etc.). Stores and supply by smaller amounts increasing once again the cost.
Leeks (bio) Garden
Organic foods face less treatments, such as the addition of synthetic preservatives, antifungal agents, and are therefore best for health. The other side of the coin is that they are more exposed to contamination by microbes or fungi than conventional foods. En consommant “bio” il est préférable d’acheter en petites quantités et de manger frais. Anyway she that is the culture technique (organic or conventional) fruit or vegetable, vitamins disappear over time.
The title is, We attach it, a provocative strand. Lorsqu’un agriculteur se converti au bio le rendement céréalier “chute de 30% à 40%” According to International mail. In order to maintain the same output should therefore increase the acreage. If the bio production extends to the whole world, This would be done at the expense of the equatorial forests. Claus Felby, Professor of technology of wood and biomass of the University of Copenhagen says that the impact of l’agriculture biologique sur le climat est “une question très épineuse, It is politically incorrect to talk about loud and clear. But it is a fact : the production will drop if the Denmark and the rest of Europe increases the biological cultivation. If we were only 4 billion people on the Earth, would pose no problem […] It is therefore imperative to consider, without preconceived ideas, la meilleure façon d’exploiter les terres agricoles de la planète”. Add that the method of the United States is through genetically modified organisms.
Some people think on the contrary that other avenues be explored and that alternatives exist. The Director of the development of the National Federation of organic farmers, Michael Tersbol, affirme que “l’essentiel de la production céréalière mondiale est aujourd’hui utilisée pour l’alimentation du bétail. Reducing meat consumption, decreases the need for fodder. La production céréalière pourra ainsi être freinée sans provoquer de déforestation”.
The France is important around 40% bio products (in 2009) What is an aberration when you see the farmland of our country. Import of course increases greenhouse gas emissions, with transportation, While the concept of organic is to pop-up to precisely limit the environmental impact. The France will import food from abroad while local producers sometimes produce the same products and are not some to sell their entire production. “C’est aberrant!” exclaimed Bonnie de Pazzis, President of the first french bio wholesaler, BioNatura. Some countries go completely against this philosophy of the bio as the Spain, for example, that literally industrialized organic and Holland that heats in winter greenhouses to grow organic tomatoes.
Plus alarmant encore sont les produits dits “bio” importés qui ne respectent pas du tout la règlementation. In the light of the market, many dishonest people have embarked on this lucrative industry by passing their conventional products for biological products ! ECOCERT, that is a body controlling the products of organic agriculture, a so, by a routine check, downgraded 100 tons of red fruit certified organic Serbia which had been treated with pesticides. Unfortunately, this case is not isolated. According to theExpansion, Egyptian cucumbers, Spanish olive oil, des pommes et du blé argentin ou encore des abricots secs turcs étaient “eux aussi bourrés de pesticides”. Pink peppercorns from Madagascar sprayed with DDT toxic insecticide banned in Europe and American rice GMOs have even been imported !
According to the inspection bodies, most of the fraud come from countries outside the European Union such as the Kenya, China, the Argentina, the Chile, Israel, the Turkey, Egypt, the Madagascar etc.. The European countries are still concerned with leading the Spain and the Italy, Romania etc. (source :
The differences that exist in the regulations of the country partly explain these derivatives. The texts are too vague and can be interpreted in different ways. In addition, the number of checks is in some countries very insufficient. ECOCERT confirms :
• In France each producer is inspected on average 1,6 twice a year (30% unannounced visits).
• In Spain the average is once a year (17% visits surprise).
• In Romania only 5% operators are controlled (5% unannounced visits).
Another factor to take into account is the fragmentation of plots that, especially in China, make that an organic farmer growing on his land may have his entire crop contaminated land of its neighbours that make conventional agriculture. Contamination may occur through the wind and rain causing pesticides, fertilizer chemical etc.
Even if overall organic products are relatively more expensive than conventional products, There is a risk when a too high decrease of these products. We have seen that the France imports a lot of organic products. These products are purchased at low prices and can therefore be sold retail at prices defying all competition. Auchan has proposed under its own brand 50 organic certified food products less than one euro. D’après l’AFP, the supermarkets sell 45% organic food What is far ahead and markets specialty stores. The risk is real for small french producers who, facing unfair competition, can no longer sell their own products. The spokesperson of the Confederation paysanne and producer of organic cereals, Philippe Collin, cares : “La grande distribution va se servir du bio comme d’un produit d’appel, to plump up its margins, sans se soucier des dégâts sociaux que ça peut entrainer” et pense que les producteurs bio vont se faire imposer à leur tour “des prix qui ne leur permettent pas de vivre”.
To finish, It is important to be aware of the benefits of a diet, beyond organic, more healthy and devoid of chemicals compromising our health. Focus organic products should be, with the above labels, because you'll always less fortunate, by consuming, fall food stuffed toxic additives. It must also focus on the farm products, revenir à des aliments plus sains et “authentiques”.
The ideal would be to buy some organic food (French) in shops specialized, in the markets or join associations which, against a subscription, provide weekly baskets of organic vegetables (Jardins de Cocagne for example). You can also buy healthy foods small operators in its region (Producers in my area or Counters farmers for example) by direct sales from producers to consumers. Eating more healthily is accessible to all, just change his habits !
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View Comments
And well this is a good article,clear and well summarized.
However, 2 remarks:
1 Bien qu'il soit logique que vous mettiez en avant l'effet du bio sur la santé humaine,having regard to the purpose of your site, Let- moi mettre l'accent sur la finalité première du bio,(If I can tell) who is the preservation of biodiversity,life as a whole; the health of we humans will gain naturally ...
2 It is of course impossible to grow everywhere in bio, But if farmers already respected the laws, the bushes, les zones enherbées le longs des cours d'eau, les insectes...alors même en cultivant non bio la nature ferai face sans trop de soucis!
Bravo for your site
cc ca thierry tomorrow at 10:54 p.m. will 7ans that your message has been posted
yes c is ca Thierry
Personne ne parle du scandale de l'utilisation massive de fongicides à base de cuivre (the most toxic of the market) par l'agriculture bio? No one speaks of the bio-insecticide rotenone swallowed by bios for consumers 50 years and now banned as neuro-toxic?
Pourquoi ce gros mensonge de l'agriculture bio sans pesticides?
Hello, je travaille sur l'AB à la faculté et j'aimerais que tu développes un peu ton propos stp
Hello F.,
Some points of your article are highly questionable, However the current overall vision of bio is fair enough, et votre conclusion...l'expression du bon sens. An update of the paragraph on the logos would also welcome :
You are absolutely right about the rotenone banned since 2009 for gardeners, à partir d'aujourd'hui 1er octobre 2011 for the agricultural profession. Elle est reconnue comme neurotoxique et le cuivre se révèle être bien plus qu'un simple métal lourd.
Quick reminder, l'agriculture bio n'est pas un mode de production sans pesticides, but without synthetic plant protection products ! Organic farmers are aware of the problems related to the brass. La plupart n'utilisent que 400g/hectares et par an lorsque la législation tolére 5 kg per hectare per year. Des alternatives sont à l'étude dans certains pays européens, d'autres l'ont définitivement interdit comme le Danemark !
Qu'il soit bio ou conventionnel, l'agriculteur est souvent plongé dans des impasses techniques face aux possibles maladies de ces récoltes. Il n'existe pour la recherche de solutions alternatives aucun organisme de recherche axé sur des "natural pesticides" et l'ensemble des subventions européennes pourtant conséquente se perdent... in the ground or in the air.
This morning, je suis allée faire mes courses dans un magasin bio.j'ai été heurté à un problème -pas facile de trouver du bio français -comment est-il possible de faire du bio, et de mettre de l'huile de palme (in the composition ! ) I want to eat healthy, While doing work our french farmers ...
Good here, j'ai lu le texte mais j'ai besoins de savoir précisément qu'elles sont les limites.
Thank you
Bon article dans l'ensemble même si on oublie une autre limite du bio :
It does not solve the pollution of nitrate.
En effet des agri sont obligé de passer en bio autour de certaines zones de captage d'eau, What for one purpose to stop synthesis products. Mais nous avons vu qu'il existe d'autres fongicides naturelles pas moins nocifs qui peuvent être épandu. Et concernant la fertilisation azoté le bio n'apporte rien de plus que les autres modes de productions, ci ce n'est qu'il interdis les engrais de synthèse.
On comprend le souci des autorités pour la qualité de l'eau, but eventually you realize that the benefits of the bio insufficient to redress this quality. Et que finalement que le bio c'est surtout du marketing et du temps de travail en plus pour les agri.
Another note, l'autorisation de présence d'OGM à 0.9% on the AB label. Sachant que l'on bouffe déja tous de l'OGM avec le soja que l'on apporte d'argentine et d'EU, I don't see what the bio brings better.
D'ailleur pour info, on peut dire merci à l'europe et à l'OMC puisque des négociation successive entre l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce
and the common agricultural policy (CAP) promoted cereal specialization of the European Union at the expense of the production of protein-rich material (MRP) (on behalf of liberalism). Today, Europe needs of 50 Mt of MRP and produces less than one quarter. As such, It is the global premierimportateur of soybean with 37 Mt imported in 2006, of which approximately the 3/4 are GMOs, What makes us very dependent on soybean-exporting countries.
Voilà tout cela pour vous dire qu'il faut être très prudent avec le bio, la question est bien plus vaste et complexe que l'on voudrai nous faire croire, (et encore tout ce qu'on évoque ne représente qu'une partie !) and those who sell organic products are often ignorant (a vendor supported organic = fair trade) and idealist (pragmatic bio agri, j'en ai pas vu beaucoup !)
Comme j'aime le dire, le bio c'est plus beau que bien !
Cet article est très intéressant mais je trouve qu'il véhicule certains clichés. I wouldn't waste my time to revisit each arguments presented here but I would like to add a note to IMHO essential: la révolution verte s'est construite sur des intérêts économique avant tout, se faisant elle s'est basée sur un dogme complétement faux.
Do not try to feed plants, must feed the soil which carries. Si on transposait aux humains les méthodes d'agriculture 'conventionnelle', It would be like were fed only intravenously with proteins, carbohydrates and essential lipids and to grow as quickly as possible with the maximum of storage tissue (je crois que ça s'appelle la graisse chez nous). Ce faisant il est bien évident que la santé des végétaux s'en ressent et nécessite de plus en plus de traitements phytosanitaires (qui proviennent pour la majorité de la pétro-chimie qui repose sur des fossiles de matière organique qui n'ont oujours pas été dégradés au bout de millions d'années alors qu'on pourrait aisément imaginer extraires ces produits du vivants).
Tout ceci brassant toujours plus d'argent et d'énergie (mostly useless) countries can continue their economic standoff (war) au détriment de leur population qui rapportera encore un peu plus d'argent en allant se soigner grâce au même firme qui produisent les fameux produits phyto. The loop is looped I wish you a happy cancer of productive rehabilitation of your nationality.
Donc tous ce que l'agriculture traditionnelle a foutu en l'air permet d'enterrer le potager 'plus sain' sans produits sous le simple prétexte que ces derniers sont déjà partout. Bravo! Mais chacun a droit de manger ce qu'il veut ! For my part, je préconise que chaque personne en perte de travail et que les zones a aides sociales s'occupent et comportent des terrains de maraichages bio et permacultures. Their also afford to sell these products without false pretenses to protect great flow pognons. La santé AVANT le pognon et pas l'inverse !
S'il vous plais, cite your sources, l'article serait plus riche,compelling and professional.
I am a student in Organic Agriculture.
Here's my answer : We have all the choice in life. On peut se renseigner avec une multitudes d'informations fiables, or despite swallow such info which. And repeat them to others. Without any sources, no scientific argument.
Pas d'OGM dans le bio!!! Christine Lagarde, Ministre de l'agriculture du 18 may at the 18 June 2007, friends up the statute authorizing 0,9 % d'OGM dans les produits bio de norme AB, without special labeling.
Selon l'INSERM les produits bio ne sont pas plus nutritif!! Alors qu'une plante cultivée ou plutôt qui "is" cultivates draws its nutrients deeper in the soil to feed thereby increasing its wealth and the value of its minerals. Mais que serait l'économie sans maladies...
The more organic foods prone to contamination!! After research the only date found 2011 with soy organic germs. As regards the "dossier" des aliments conventionnels contaminés je vous laisse arbitrer...
L'agriculture bio favorise l'effet de serre!! By cultivating seeds suitable land and climate are enhanced yields and reduces water requirement. Privilégions aussi l'agroécologie, l'agroforesterie (thus avoiding deforestation and enhances our Earth), la permaculture...
Le gros problème des produits importés... derive from our responsibility. Mais sommes nous vraiment avisés sur le fait qu'ils soient ionisés/irradiés! This does not make our example radioactive pineapple, non, this just makes appear cyclobutanones known compounds that create damage to cells and genes. Which says, cancérogénèse et mutagénèse...humm miam les bonnes vitamines tropicales!
Supermarkets condemn small producers!! So our consumers to make better choices, a responsible choice, alternatives exist. Open your eyes, acheter c'est voter...