The Generations Futures association and the European network HEAL (Health & Environment Alliance) conducted a study on the chemical substances present in the diet of a child of ten years.
To do this, food selected (non bio) respond to the recommendations included in the National Plan Nutrition Health (NPPB) by the Ministry of health that is 5 fresh fruits and vegetables per day, 3 dairy products and a litre and a half of water. Meals were balanced (examples of foods : Salad, salmon, rice, Apple, Jam, the etc.) and were not too sweet or savoury and neither too fat. It was also added to these menus some treats to look as much as possible to the "type" diet of a child.
The observation is alarming : in the space of 24 hours, a child is likely to be exposed, by his power, to 81 different chemicals ! 47 These substances are suspected to be carcinogenic, 5 are classified carcinogenic some and 37 are suspected endocrine disruptors (alter the hormonal system).
"Cocktail effect" of chemicals
Future generations specifies that "the legal limits for each chemical substance taken individually are not exceeded", But that on the other hand, it is the "cocktail of contaminants" that is problematic. The risk for the consumer is "therefore probably underestimated". Indeed the report states that the combined chemical substances may be dangerous ("The effects of mixtures of pesticides were 150 to 1600 times larger than the effects of individual pesticides.). THE AFSSA (French food safety agency, which became l’HANDLES) and theINRA are responsible for assessing the risks of the combination of pesticides.
The Association Générations Futures claims that this situation is unacceptable ! Need to know whatone in two men and one woman in three, or aura, in his life cancer According to environment - and -
Some figures taken in the report :
"Among the fruits, 59 % samples contain residues of pesticides and on average 3,9 % are non -compliant. »
gmo-farmer, near 30% contain residues of pesticides and on average 4,1 % gnocchi-carrefour
A linear pasta in a store, near 70 000 travel-to-end-of-the-meat. »
Buy gold ?
The products "organic"
AFSSA says that to switch to a diet "bio" (without pesticide residues) "Eliminates quickly the less persistent pesticides residues in our bodies. "And thus is beneficial to our body. Without getting into the organic food retail, the problem is that they are significantly more expensive than the conventional. And after, organic fruits and vegetables are, on average, 69% more expensive.
Fruits and vegetables of the season
The report proposes that eating fruits and vegetables of the season, who will naturally be treated less (with fungicides and insecticides) only products that come from distant destinations. Add that eating products that have been transported over very long distances always a certain impact on CO2 emissions. The fact to favour fresh food also limits the amount of additives (Conservatives etc.).
Source :
Download the report for future Generations : Report-generations-futures