Products Light and Aspartame = Danger !

Aspartame is used in the vast majority of low-fat products is, at first sight, a miraculous innovation. It is a sweetener of synthesis which allows to replace regular sugar and even a sweetness 200 times higher than sucrose and saccharose ! So just small amounts to have a sweet taste. It is therefore, a priori, the ideal ingredient to help a person who is conscious of his line, or making a plan, so, which is more obliged to reduce the proportions of the food it consumes (light products have between 10% and 25% fewer calories).

Light products are more expensive

Another interest, and not least, is that l’aspartame coûte beaucoup moins cher que le sucre “classique” allowing manufacturers to save money. Ceci n’empêche pas les produits light d’être significativement plus chers que leurs homologues “classiques”. The reaction of the nutritionist Jean-Philippe Zermati is without appeal : “Il est totalement inutile de consommer des produits allégés pour réduire le poids ou prévenir le surpoids. These products do not prevent grow (…), they have no positive influence, ils coûtent seulement plus cher”.

Make even you fat and incite instead to eat more low-fat products !

First, a consumer will more easily say that due to consume more will have no impact on its weight. It is a big mistake! (Attention to the promises of the labels 0% for example). Secondly the aspartame is supposed to lose weight, Gold Illinois researchers have conducted an experiment on rats and strangely arrive at another conclusion :

There are two groups of rats. The first group receives as food sweet yoghurt (with real sugar : glucose). The second group received the same yogurt but where the glucose has been replaced by sweeteners (aspartame, saccharin and xylitol). They found that the second group had 40% weight and more the first group !

Conclusion : sweeteners push the body to consume more food. Indeed the body expects to have glucose and the associated calories (with the sweet taste of the food) but not receive. The body will be pushed to eat more because will continue to claim these calories and therefore grows more.

We already clearly see the problem of products lightened on their goal : eat lighter and lose weight. This is nothing next to the serious disorders caused by the key element of low-fat products : aspartame.

Aspartame is endangering our health

Present in a multitude of foods such as frozen desserts, the sugar substitutes, the chewing gum, drinks (sodas, juices etc.), cereals, yoghurt, icings, confitures … et même dans les médicaments (more than 600 drugs according to the AFSSA), vitamins and supplements of synthesis without that latter aspartame is noted on the list of ingredients. We see, aspartame is everywhere, and not only in the light products.

That contains aspartame ?

Aspartame (or E951) consists of :

  1. Phenylalanine 50% (an amino acid)
  2. Aspartic acid 40% (an amino acid)
  3. Methanol 10% (wood alcohol)
  4. Dioxopiperazine or DKP (When aspartame degrades)

Indeed, aspartame is stable when dry but degrades at 30 ° C where it becomes very dangerous. But back at the outset to the effects of various compounds of aspartame :


Phenylalanine is an amino acid normally present in the brain and brought by the power. It has been shown that ingesting aspartame could be too high levels of phenylalanine in the brain and blood. Excessive levels can reduce the secretion of serotonin and lead to depression. A study was done on rats and demonstrated that some of those fed aspartame developed with brain tumours Unlike the referent group (You should also remember that man is much more sensitive than animals to aspartame). Neurosurgeon Dr. Russel Blaylock says that excessive levels of phenylalanine may cause of the schizophrenia and a apoplexy (abrupt suspension of the function of the brain).

Aspartic acid

Aspartic acid is an amino acid that causes (in its free form that is not connected to the protein) elevation of neurotransmitters in certain areas of the brain. In normal times they facilitate the transmission of information between neurons in the brain. Excess “ils détruisent certains neurones en autorisant l’invasion de calcium en surdose dans les cellules ce qui déclenche une augmentation excessive de radicaux libres qui tuent les cellules nerveuses et crée des trous dans le cerveau” (Exit & Otherwise choose No. 17). This process of destruction of neurons is done slowly and gradually. It is necessary that at least 75% an area of the brain nerve cells are killed before they can detect a chronic as the multiple sclerosis, the hearing loss, the memory loss, the epileptic seizures, the AIDS dementia, la maladie d’Alzheimer's, from Parkinson etc.

Amino acids are therefore not safe contrary to what we may believe, especially during chemical transformations caused by heat.


Also called wood alcohol, methanol is a dangerous poison ! In the body it deteriorates with heat acid Formique and Formaldehyde (a deadly neurotoxin). EPA (The United States environmental protection agency) affirme que le méthanol “est un poison cumulatif compte tenu de la faible proportion éliminée après son absorption”. The allowable daily dose (ADI) methanol is of 7,8 mg/day. Or by drinking a litre of drink aspartame is 56 mg of methanol ! On overdose so quickly authorized.

Wine and other alcoholic beverages also contain a lot of methanol but are, them, pourvus d’un “antidote” : ethanol makes it harmless to the body because it stops its transformation into formaldehyde, which is very toxic. Even if wine contains many more methanol than sodas for example cannot compare them in terms of toxicity.

Methanol disorders : memory lapses, headache, neuritis, behavioural disorders, numbness, ringing in the ears, chills, gastrointestinal problems, Vertigo, vision problems ( vision obscured, Misty, retinal damage, loss of sight etc.).

Formaldehyde is carcinogenic, night at the reproduction of the DNA, alter the retina and cause prenatal defects.


The DKP is a by-product of the metabolism of phenylalanine that is involved, among others, in the occurrence of brain tumours and causes of change in cholesterol levels according to toxicologist American Jacqueline Verrett. The DKP synthesizes in drinks containing aspartame after prolonged storage.

Effects observed after consumption of aspartame :

(source : out - otherwise .com)

During the Gulf War soldiers have bus very large quantities of drinks with aspartame which were, the ambient temperature, heated to more than 30 ° C. Many of them have developed unknown ailments resulting from formaldehyde poisoning.

Between 1983 and 1987, in the United States, the incidence of tumours has increased 6% in men and 11% among women, period which coincides with the placing on the market of food of aspartame.

Why aspartame is not prohibited ?

250 millions of people consume daily aspartame in the world (After out - otherwise .com).

The consumer is that rarely a migraine and a rapprochement taken aspartame. The fact that some symptoms appear that years after consumption also reinforces this idea.

The power of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries is huge because they arrive at corrupt government agencies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the United States. They sponsor of false studies on aspartame, falsify the data and hiding the dangers. After out - otherwise .com, “40% d’entre elles furent financées par l’industriel Monsanto, producteur du produit”. Aspartame is two times cheaper than sugar and related to industrial more than a billion dollars per year !

In 1985, the toxicologist Adrian Gross said before the US Congress “Il n’y a pas l’ombre d’un doute, l’aspartame cause des tumeurs au cerveau…”. Malgré cela la FDA n’a pas enlevé l’aspartame de la liste des additifs alimentaires “sans danger”. The new head of the FDA at the time, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes was refuted by its own commission of inquiry and allowed even aspartame in beverages which makes it even more dangerous.

Authorizing aspartame FDA violated the Delaney amendment which is sensible avoid the introduction of carcinogenic substances such as methanol (with formaldehyde) and the DKP. If a government agency violates its own rules, sensible consumer protection, that the protect as a last resort ?

What solution ?

Corinne Couget a publié dans son article “Aspartame : a poison ! (appeared in Biocontact in 2005) that adverse effects of aspartame are often reversible. It indeed offers to stop completely, during 60 days, the consumption of aspartame, avoid red meats (which naturally contain phenylalanine), Cook yourself dishes and drink 2 litres of water per day.

Beyond this test it is necessary simply to read labels and avoid buying products containing aspartame or E951. And after Dr Russell Blaylock, all processed foods, or almost, contain of excitotoxins : E621, GMS (Monosodium glutamate) who are just as dangerous for the organism. We find for example in chips, soups in bags, diet foods, ready-made meals, meat juice, spices, crab etc sticks.

This is one more reason for Cook yourself dishes and avoid buying dishes ready. In the words of Yves Donadieu, "This is not the abundance of food which is healthy., but his Excellency. »

Similar article :

Aspartame : EFSA and ANSES refute two alarming studies

F. Boyat

View Comments

    • Only our Governments can decide. Il faut qu'il y ait des lois pour que les industriels soient forcés à abandonner l'aspartame, they will not voluntarily. C'est pour l'instant pas gagné quand on voit que des agences comme l'ANSES et l'EFSA contestent les récentes études (Aspartame : EFSA and ANSES refute two alarming studies).
      En attendant il faut faire attention à ce que l'on achète !

    • I think that it is impossible to do that there are no more, it is not powerful enough with industrial, You just look good buying their food, make its own kitchen, (which is not always easy with the lives that we can have) and find the best kind of organic spices, despite what they say that even when I eat red meat because I know it comes from or, and honestly I do not think it is carcinogenic to spend a day in a city or to have a cell phone for example.

    • l'asparmate ces pour les jeunes avec du sucre normal du a la quantite le corps commence a rétrograde est de venir vieux vers 40ou 50 ans avec l'asparmate le corp commence a ce régéneres apres 50 years

    • avec l'asparmate le corps commence a régéneré aux lieux de rétrograde du a la quantité lasparmate ces du sucre est de l'air c'est tout ce que ces

  • BRAVO for this article and this site that I discovered !
    Nous devons rester solidaires pour ouvrir les yeux des français endormis par tant d'années de mensonges des autorités publiques; sous l'emprise
    lobbies !


    Corinne GOUGET ; author of the guide " ADDITIVES DANGER"

  • Although the site I know not. A?a serait trop long de dire ce que je pence de l'article. But no source of studies :/, and not bad amalgam. Â
    Just one recalls :
    2A¨me causes of mortality in France the cardio vascular Morquio, sugar is one of the causes. Â

    Number of dead of indirectly to the directly to aspartamme no to my knowledge. Â

    C une comparaison à la con aussi mais ça donne une idée qui n'est pas fausse.Â

    Mais oui avec tout les produits de synthése il faut être méfiant Et les limiter comme avec le sucre à IG haut ou les graisse saturé ou là on connaît leurs danger avec du recul et des dizaine étude non financé par l'industrie agroalimentaire ;) et pourtant les personne ny prêtent aucunes attentions. Journaliste de merde qui sont manipulé par " la guerre industriel "

    Envoyé de mon mobile = indulgence envers de l'orthographe

  • Hello,

    Mon médecin m'a bien mise en garde sur le sujet, j'ai donc arrêté de boire les litres de Coca light que je consommais tous les jours (j'ai quelques problèmes de santé qu'aucun médecin ne parvient à résoudre, l'arrêt de l'aspartame est donc une des pistes). But one question remains unresolved : les effets de l'aspartame sont-ils, all or part, reversible ?

    D'avance, Thank you for your reply !

  • The allowable daily dose (ADI) methanol is of 7,8 mg/day. Or by drinking a litre of drink aspartame is 56 mg of methanol

    A priori c'est 7,8mg / Kg et par Jour... Per Kg !!!
    It changes everything !!!!!

    Only the baby/child of less than 8 Kg would in this case concerned !

    • Et t'as bien raison.

      Selon l'EFSA hein "The acceptable daily intake (ADI) current of 40 mg / kg bw / day provides adequate protection for the general population and consumer exposure to aspartame is well below this ADI." bien sûr ca parle de l'aspartame en lui même.

      Donc excusez moi mais je préfère écoutez l'EFSA qui liste les sources et les études qu'un article qui ne fait aucune citation de sources ou autres ^^

  • Hello,

    Très bon article et j'ai aucun doute sur la véracité de l'article. J'ai aussi regardé une vidéo sur You Tube sur les substances chimiques utilisées par les agro-industries, and that would be dangerous to health. Il parle aussi de l'aspartame voilà la vidéo pour ceux qui seraient intéressés,

  • Excellent article qui dit sans détour comme l'argent ignore la santé.
    I think that you however make a mistake by writing in the paragraph "Solutions" the next thing: "avoid red meats (which naturally contain phenylalanine)".
    Red meats are sources of tyrosine (the next step of phenylalanine). La majeur partie de cet autre acide aminé n'est d'ailleurs pas absorbé puisque la viande rouge est consommé avec d'autres aliments. Phenylalanine is available in food supplement (DL-phenylalanine in general) to treat depression related to a lack of dopamine or norapinephine. Just as L-tyrosine, le complément doit être absorbé loin en dehors d'un repas pour noter un effet sur la production de neuro-transmetteurs.
    Furthermore, Note that L-tyrosine and DL-phenylalanine are used in conjunction with 5 - HTP (precursor to serotonin) afin d'en renforcer son effet.

  • Well then, avant de dire amen au moindre argument apprenez qu'il faut croiser et confirmer chacun et que parfois faire des maths ou lire jusqu'au bout (without hidden unit !) is very important.

    Un des arguments les plus flagrant c'est l'unité pour les doses maximales. Elles s'expriment en mg par KILO par jour.

    For example, methanol : ADI = 7, 5 mg/kg/day.
    Ce qui fait qu'une personne normale de 60kg peut aller jusqu'à 450mg de méthanol pur avant de ressentir des VRAIS effets secondaires. Soit l'équivalent de 8 LITRES of soda per day. Apart from extreme cases and pathological, few people swallow as much liquid in a day.
    Et pour info le jus d'orange contient en moyenne 35mg/L (parfois jusqu'à 80mg/L) ((SOURCE :
    And wine between 96 and 321 mg ! (( SOURCE HB Greizerstein, «Congener content of alcoholic beverages., J Stud Alcohol, No. 42, 1981, p. 1030-1037)

    Et de manière générale la DJA pour l'aspartame est de 40mg par KILO par JOUR. Sortez vos calculettes...
    Un homme de 60kg peut avaler jusqu'à 2400mg soit 2,4 g d'aspartame PUR !
    (( SOURCE : Renwick, Andrew (2006). "The intake of intense sweeteners - an update review". Food Additives & Contaminants 23: 327-38. DOI:10.1080/02652030500442532 ))

    This is so calm down, You can drink and eat products with sweeteners without eating pounds on, comme n'importe quel autre aliment.

    Le plus important c'est de trouver des sources valables. Si vous trouver une info sur un site qui ne site pas ses sources ce n'est pas valable. Remontez jusqu'à une source fiable et lisez tout !

  • Hello.

    Est-ce que vous consommeriez une boisson comportant de l'arsenic? Non, 99,99% des gens flipperaient rien qu'en voyant ce poison en tant qu'ingrédient, pourtant il n'est pas dangereux du tout si la dose est minime. tout comme l'asparthame, et bien d'autre produits bien déguelasse qui sont parfaitement légal et que certaines personnes s'archarnent à défendre.

    For me, voir une liste d'une cinquantaine d'effets secondaires résultant d'ingrédients "innocuous" makes me so many Pinball to see marked : Arsenic sur un soda...

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