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Fish to pesticides, meat to antibiotics, toxic greengrocers

France 3 – Exhibits – Trim all risks :

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Critical TELERAMA show exhibit on Monday FR3 28 June 2010

Monday 28 June 20:30, on France 3, the news Pieces to conviction magazine had for topic “Basis risk”.
Here is a transcript of the criticism of Télérama that is no longer available on their website :

« Proposed and presented by Elise Lucet. Jean-Pierre Canet reports, Romain Icard and Caroline Benarrosh (FR, 2010). 105 MN. Unpublished.

Pyralene waterlogged fish, pigs and poultry drugged to antibiotics, salmon cured in the pesticides, Mutant fish species, become deformed… The summary of the Exhibits may have hatched in the imagination of Aldous Huxley ! Alas, These scientific aberrations are no longer science fiction. In farms, within the services of the State and control bodies (IFREMER, French food safety agency), journalists reveal an infernal race for profit.

Filmed in hidden camera, a breeder of ducks manages, appalled, to procure antibiotics banned gavage period ! A breton pig producer point, doubtful, the insistence of his cooperative to provide prescriptions "preventive" drugs for his perfectly healthy pigs – to fatten animals faster.

The toxicity of food remains the Red wire of the broadcast, as we have seen in whole but being. It shows that meat from intensive farming, stuffed full of drugs, are one of the causes of human resistance to antibiotics. Prompt to react, Minister of Agriculture Bruno Le Maire will have to decide : has the food industry sacrificed the health of consumers on the altar of profitability ?
Hélène Rochette

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