Fatty and sugary foods Posts

NUTELLA : Its composition is a health hazard

The chocolate spread Nutella was summer shown the finger by the European Union due to its unbalanced composition which would be hazardous to health.

Do a little reminder on its composition, which is not very healthy for health. The recipe remains of course secret but we know that Nutella contains still 60% sugar andPalm oil !

It would not prohibit consumption this product, but better inform consumers about the risks of obesity that it would.

The European Parliament would thus implement a nutrition labelling more severe than the current table which refers only to the amount of protein, carbohydrates and lipids.

No offense to some, jars of Nutella might be equipped with a reference :

“Attention, danger, promotes obesity”

Nutella is not the only product affected by such a measure but it arouses strong reactions because it is a flagship for several generations. It would surely be time to realize that its consumption must be occasional car too rich in sugars and fats.

It becomes in any case necessary to inform opinion on food in general which are harmful to the health and to the “junk food” that promote health problems (Here theobesity among younger including).

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14 years earlier

I think I'm going to reduce my Nutella consumption ! 60% of sugar and oil it makes you want !

10 years earlier
Reply to Florian

you know why you still want nutella because it puts something in it so that when you taste nutella you can't pass without it and it's disgusting because if you eat a pot of nutella you drink a bottle of oil it's disgusting
and emphasse its giving of bad cholesterol in the without which causes diseases !

10 years earlier
Reply to mariam

And the correct spelling is optional?????

10 years earlier
Reply to cleo

@cleo: Mastery of the French language is not within everyone's reach. This does not prohibit the right to speak. Please do not humiliate people who have things to say and who have the courage to use a tool they do not master..

10 years earlier
Reply to D

The shape also matters. You can consult a dictionary or grammar. If we neglect the form it is because we lack rigor and then the message becomes less relevant.

14 years earlier

I wouldn't stop, I find it so good !

13 years earlier
Reply to Amelie

My God, you are really very stupid. They tell you it's bad for your health and you continue even more!
You are worse than dogs facing a trash can!
I would be ashamed if I were in your place.
I always loved Nutella, we can't say it doesn't taste good. But I largely slow down my consumption to the point of stopping.

There are really stupid people on this Earth.

13 years earlier
Reply to fanny

Farts once, it will pass !

13 years earlier
Reply to fanny

Yes, Nutella is not good for your health, we all know it! But we only have one life so if we can no longer enjoy a food that we love it becomes serious! You can eat nutella and eat a balanced diet on the side! And if we eat Nutella and cook it for other meals, we consume little palm oil in the end.! You have to know how to manage yourself, that’s all!

12 years earlier
Reply to Riviera

Take a look at the composition of what you eat and you will see the incredible number of foods based on “vegetable fat” or “vegetable oil” … not counting cosmetics … oh yes it's good but it doesn't just destroy your health a little … there are just millions of hectares of forest burned to grow the palm and it will not grow back…and the ecosystems there are dying… Manufacturers use 90% palm oil because it is the most profitable !!

10 years earlier
Reply to Riviera

but it gives bad cholesterol in the absence it is very dangerous you can have a very serious illness

10 years earlier
Reply to mariam

Myriam: so start by going to school to learn to write and then you will criticize the world!!

10 years earlier
Reply to Riviera

Agree in the sense that one should never make “cures” whatever it is. Whatever we eat contains poisons so a varied diet and from time to time a little guilty pleasure of junk food, why not ?

Val stop nutel
Val stop nutel
11 years earlier
Reply to fanny

I agree with Fanny it’s not going well

10 years earlier
Reply to fanny

And you, if I tell you that meat and fish come from filthy cruelty towards animals (hold : so look at this : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxTDjE_FkHc), Would you like it if I called you an idiot if you still refuse to stop using it? ?…

So leave people alone, it’s their health, not yours, it doesn't concern you.

10 years earlier
Reply to Rainbird

I also call those who eat human fetuses and dogs children of the devil, but those who eat Nutella too much or in moderation are idiots, even if I eat it tonight I'll be an idiot, it doesn't matter if I say that, I don't mean that I am not able to receive it, I accept it very well :)

10 years earlier
Reply to fanny

You're absolutely right my dear

10 years earlier
Reply to suricate

Ma chere fanny

13 years earlier
Reply to Amelie

…SO, come back and see us in a few years when you are obese, and you will probably also have heart disease…;)

12 years earlier
Reply to Amelie

Oh yes ?! And you know that because of you, and maybe only from YOU, men (those who live in the Amazonian tribes) going to die ! Only magnificent tigers, that splendid birds and dreamscapes like Australia will be DESTROYED !!! And you know why ? Because Nutella contains palm oil, and that palm oil is made from palm trees that are planted instead of trees that keep us from dying, And all this for what ?! BECAUSE MADAME DECIDED THAT SHE… Read more "

11 years earlier
Reply to Bent

You should no longer eat olive oil either…. Thousands of hectares have been developed in the south of Spain so that you can eat it, even organic… It comes down to the same thing except that we don't know what happened before we planted these olive trees.… All these guys who give moral lessons on all subjects, who think they are above it because they go to biocoop, with their hybrid car, disappoint me. Give your rich salary to all the French people who can't do their shopping at biocoop…

11 years earlier
Reply to Bent

Too much lol !! The palm oil present in Nutella comes from crops that are made expressly for that and of controlled origin so stop pissing off the world with deforestation and all that because in no case is there any need for it!!!
New fad of today when years ago we didn't pay attention to it!!!
Me nutella, I eat it with a spoon and I even make cakes with it!!! and above all FUCK YOU!!!

10 years earlier
Reply to Bent

Hum… I have a question : Are you vegetarian ? Non, I say that, because if you say that you pay attention to the planet and animals while you continue to eat animals without feeling guilty and just telling yourself that it is “the food chain”, it doesn't really make sense… Ah, other point, off topic : Nutella does not necessarily make you gain weight, hein. I ate more than 10 spoons per day since the age of 3 years, I do not have 19 and I'm not fat, I even almost fell into anorexia at one point. And for… Read more "

10 years earlier
Reply to Bent

So why are we still selling it?

Sam james
Sam james
11 years earlier
Reply to Amelie

any unit. production has a secret code so beware. I know what I mean

6 years earlier
Reply to Amelie

people like you ,who because of you destroy primary forests destroyed
all orangutan biodiversity in danger
eat eat it's A CALORIC BOMB this shit heart attack guaranteed
unlike jam or butter, almost zero nutritional benefit. For the sugar, It's a disaster. He doesn't see himself. If you put the same amount of sugar in your coffee, you would be scared”,

13 years earlier

hi my name is kamelia a friend of mine told me that nutella prevents having children is this true ?????

13 years earlier
Reply to F. Boyat

According to scientific commentators, DEHP migrates from the plastic container into the food. Does Nutella in a Jar Contain DEHP??… A clarifier

13 years earlier
Reply to Paul

Non, the jar is glass.

12 years earlier
Reply to camellia

Yes , only for men but not expensive for women

Val stop nutel
Val stop nutel
11 years earlier
Reply to camellia

No but I believe that if we are (girls) in holy I think that the baby could be in danger for me

rel spade
rel spade
10 years earlier

what can be the baby in dangay it has your spelling!!

translation for everyone else :

What can put the baby in danger is your spelling!

thank you goodbye

10 years earlier
Reply to rel spade

Etre “Pregnant” !!! Thank you I laughed a lot!!!!

And much worse than Nutella or other canned crap: HUMAN BULLSHIT and we don’t talk about it enough!!!!!!!

13 years earlier

I think I too will reduce the quantity of Nutella c’ is too frankly 60% of sugar and palm oil it's not right or what whoever invented nutella is completely crazy in fact I come back to the previous comment that I left it seems that it has plastic that it could prevent from having children

6 years earlier
Reply to camellia

primary forests destroyed
all orangutan biodiversity in danger
eat eat it's A CALORIC BOMB this shit heart attack guaranteed
unlike jam or butter, almost zero nutritional benefit. For the sugar, It's a disaster. He doesn't see himself. If you put the same amount of sugar in your coffee, you would be scared”,

13 years earlier

Ouch, I'm a Nutella freak,
a jar every 5 days for more than 10 years…
(yet I am skinny!!)

am i screwed???

13 years earlier
Reply to Wildcat

We're screwed, we're eating too much….

13 years earlier

no I won't stop eating Nutella because it's good I eat a pot a week. I say fuck the company and the assholes who manage us.

11 years earlier
Reply to BRAIN 17

What class are you in ? c e 1 ? given the spelling mistakes… and then , tell your mom that nutelle is not good for your mental health either…I hope it makes you sterile…

alain pasdeloup
alain pasdeloup
13 years earlier

I no longer remember which author she wrote : “we dig our grave with our teeth” ….
But, in this wonderful “genocide” organized …. I believe that everyone chooses their weapon to end life sooner
Me, I'm stopping Nutella
Live life !

rel spade
rel spade
10 years earlier

there is the school that you also stopped even though you might have been better off continuing… shows that we don't only make good choices in life!!

10 years earlier
Reply to rel spade

You think you're smart to criticize other people's spelling?? You are the perfect example that education does not affect intelligence. Because you are really stupid!

13 years earlier

Hello, It's not just a health hazard story, the palm oil contained in nutelle is a saturated fat with 30%, which therefore clogs the arteries,In addition, palm oil plantations cause destruction of rainforest (extinction of orangutans...) and cause the very significant release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. (Because of forest fires, Indonesia has become the third largest producer of CO2 on the planet.) Agro-industrialists use this oil because it costs less, but it destroys the health of millions of people, who doesn't even know… Read more "

12 years earlier
Reply to Schmidt

You I love you !!!! and I agree !!

10 years earlier
Reply to Schmidt

Breast milk lol ??? Instead of formula milk ?!?

13 years earlier


I just want to tell people who intend to continue eating Nutella that they are being manipulated and are not contributing to society.. Indeed, we vote when we consume! Push the Ferrero group to change its recipe, remove the plastic ( Glass is healthier ) etc…

What a disaster…what will you leave to future generations ? I'm sorry to live in a stupid world… Bon sang!


13 years earlier

According to the ad, Nutella is milk, hazelnuts and chocolate.
According to the label, it’s above all sugar, and vegetable oil (Palm).
On the ingredient list, ingredients are listed in order of decreasing quantity.
According to this same label, nuts, chocolate and milk only represent 27% you total.
In conclusion, Nutella, it is 87,4% sugars and fats.
Is advertising lying to us? ?

13 years earlier

The nutellas, it's so good too!!! Non, but we must recognize that it is incomparable with other spreads!! Nutella is excellent for meeting energy needs for a day (if consumed in moderation), it is also very good for memory!! So don't worry! Eat! I want to reassure, saying that everything is not beautiful either, but today, all foods (or almost) that you find in supermarkets are transformed, we add substances to them, conservatives, … and it was nutella, or an aytre, it's identical! Il… Read more "

13 years earlier

No matter what! sport to eliminate sugar ok but palm oil and phthalates are elements that the body does not know how to eliminate or recycle, so he stores them and it poisons us slowly but surely. Yes, we are free to choose how to die, cancer or not, but don't poison your children… and become a little aware of your selfishness since the production of palm oil destroys part of the environment. If you take a little of your precious life time, that you stupidly shorten, to read the labels you will see that not bad… Read more "

13 years earlier

Hello, I would be curious to know the number of smokers who protest against the consumption of Nutella!!!!
Since the time we have known that “smoking kills”, I don't think the number of smokers is dropping much.…you only have to look at middle and high school exits to see that the warnings on the packages do not bother the youngest buyers, then the mention “risk of obesity” on the jar of Nutella should not scare many either!
Happy holidays to all of you…with or without Ferrero!; ))

11 years earlier
Reply to Sevrem

What if we also talked about alcohol ?

13 years earlier

to the output…pardon!

13 years earlier

Momo said it all.
I'm not happy that all the idiots who read this and say “we only have one life” because it will be the same balls that will tell you to the hospital “no one warned me” or “it's the government's fault”. But maybe it will reduce unemployment to replace them.
We only have one life yes, so why waste it and eat shit ?

And LOL for sport come on I'm going to do 2 hours of sport per month and my big ass has disappeared !

13 years earlier
Reply to A

well then don't perfume yourself anymore because PHTHALATES
they are also in perfumes!
because no one talks about it?

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