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Energy drinks : from myth to reality

With a market which amounted 2006 to 3,4 billion US dollars and with the appearance of 500 new brands this year, the energy drink is visibly niche.

The advertising campaigns of these energy drinks make reference to extreme sports highlighting high-level athletes. Manufacturers rely on the power of their drinks with stimulating ingredients such as caffeine, guarana (Caffeine-containing plant), sugar (Glucuronolactone for example), taurine, arginine and vitamins.

The promise of these drinks is clearly the performance.

Elle vous “donne des ailes” (Red Bull), stimulate your mind and body. The energy drinks target clearly the adolescents and young adults who consume mostly in bars, discos, sporting events (MOUNTAIN BIKING, Kite surfing, motor sports etc.) or during periods of exams to concentrate.

Since their introduction on the market studies been done on the impact they have on health in General, but also when they are consumed before a sport or mixed with alcohol.

Effects of energy drinks in general :

It should be remembered that these drinks are deprecated in children, adolescents and pregnant or lactating women.

These drinks are highly acidic and very sweet (the equivalent of 5 sugars for a 250ml can) which attack the tooth enamel causing cavities to repeat.

Other adverse effects associated with excessive consumption of energy drinks are vomiting, heart rhythm disorders and nausea (more details below).

Energy drinks and sport :

Firstly be careful not to confuse drinks energy drinks (Dark Dog, Red Bull, Burn etc.) with drinks say energy (POWERade, Gatorade etc.) ! These are adapted to the effort and meet very specific nutritional criteria (energy intake, rehydration, assimilation of nutrients etc.)

Drinks take advantage, among others, the combined sugar and caffeine to provide energy. They aren't when they all adapted to the practice of sport and are literally adverse as we shall see.

Indeed Dr Frederick the IRBMS Maton (Regional biology and Sports Medicine Institute) fait l’analyse des principes actifs d’une canette de “Red Bull” de 250ml en comparant les doses apportées par la boisson et les doses nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de l’organisme tout en relevant leurs effets sur la santé. See one by one these active principles :

Caffeine contained in a can (80mg) is near the dose or are beginning to feel its adverse (between 100 and 160mg) knowing that the upper limit of consumption of caffeine per day is 200 mg. There is thus a risk to absorb a toxic dose of caffeine which leads to bad side effects and problems :

– Cardiovasculaires (high blood pressure, tachycardia) consequent in cases extreme one death sudden.

– Urinaires par la fuite des minéraux (magnesium, sodium, calcium) What can accentuate electrolyte disorders during effort, causing injury and decreasing the recovery. The effect diuretic resulted when his dehydration.

– Respiratoires (brochodilatation)

– Digestifs (stimulation of intestinal motor, Increased gastric acidity etc.)

– Neuro comportementaux (anxiety, irritability, earthquakes etc.)

Notons également que la caféine n’est pas un bruleur de graisse et donc n’a qu’une faible utilité dans un période de “sèche” en musculation par exemple.

Taurine (extracted bile of Bull and not the testicles as the rumor) contained in a bobbin is 1000mg. However with a balanced diet is sometimes around 120 mg per day not to exceed 180 mg per day (with a bobbin is multiplied by more of 5 the maximum daily dose absorbed in normal times). Aucune étude ne montre un quelconque effet positif d’une “surdose” de taurine. It may, however, concern that at a dose as high taurine could have a reverse effect (oxidative Pro) like many other antioxidants when eaten in overdose.

The Glucuronolactone (a sugar naturally found in the body) is present at height of 600mg per bobbin while natural intake is 1 to 2mg per day, approximately the equivalent of 600 days of dietary intake ! A high dose the Glucuronolactone is toxic for the kidneys.

Vitamins (B5 : 5mg, B6: 5mg, B12: 0,005mg)

The needs in vitamin B are normally covered by foodstuffs of animal origin, il y a “aucun bénéfice sur la santé, ni sur les performances” en augmentant ces apports selon l’IRBMS.

Overdosing in vitamin B could, even though the toxicity was not clearly demonstrated, behavioural neuro problems (behavioural and memory problems).

Nicotinic Acid (20mg per bobbin) is naturally present in the body as made by the liver. We have thus not helpful to eat in our diet. The dose of a bobbin is on the other hand near the limit of security (33mg per day).

Arginine (an amino acid) présent dans le “Bullit” a une utilité controversée chez les sportifs, and in high doses unbalancing the circulating pool of amino acids and break their balance may.

Energy drinks and alcohol :

Mixed in alcohol they mask the signs of intoxication of the consumer with all the risks that are related. "When you drink too much alcohol., the body sends signs. It has a dry mouth, un petit mal de tête… Les boissons énergisantes annulent ces signaux. And since you feel good, continue to drink." Hubert Sacy, Director general of Éduc ' alcohol (Canada). This joins the opinion of AFSSA that discourages also this mix.

Thus you will feel capable of driving his car despite excessive alcohol for example, injure without measuring the gravity or to have sexual intercourse without protection from Johanne Dubé, the youth clinic nurse.

How are energy drinks appeared in France ?

Nous nous rappelons tous de la polémique autour de la commercialisation de la “Red Bull” en France.

Why Red Bull ? Just because it is the stereotype of the energy drinks which has alone 52% for early market share 2010 (After

This product was marketed for many years abroad, but was problematic in France (banned from 1996). In may 2008 the Red Bull (a version without Taurine and Glucuronolactone) eventually be placed on the french market because the State was unable to demonstrate the harmfulness of this drink. Starting from the 15 July 2008 c’est la “vraie” Red Bull qui est commercialisée. Demand explodes on the part of consumers and prices rise.

Les “shots” : real bombs !

The energy drinks market was pounding gradually encourages manufacturer them to constantly innovate. La dernière trouvaille est ce qu’on appelle les “shots” directement venus des Etats Unis. Vous pouvez désormais vous rebooster avec ces mini-bouteilles de 5cl ou 2,5cl qui se boivent en “complément” des canettes classiques selon le chef de produit Burn de chez Coca-Cola, Cloe Von Kraufe. In fact they can be transported anywhere, in a Pocket, in a handbag to be drunk at any time of the day (or of the night).

These small cans are extremely powerful : they are about 5 more concentrated than conventional cans times ! Absorb in one or two SIPs a drink containing a huge amount of caffeine and other stimulants is obviously hazardous to health as to drink one might be tempted to drink more. The consumption housing Cadre de Vie association (LCVC) highlights a study in the United States of 2008 that is an increase of cases of poisoning by energy-drink caffeine. Some brands have been withdrawn from the market by the Canada, England and the Australia because their products were clearly harmful to health.

La responsable nutrition de chez Coca-Cola recommande de “ne pas dépasser plus d’un shot par jour” et déconseille la consommation aux enfants et aux personnes sensibles à la caféine. Ceci n’empêche pas le groupe “d’organiser des soirées étudiantes parrainées par Burn energy ce qui incite évidemment les jeunes à associer boissons énergisantes et alcool” d’après Le distributeur de Dark Dog invite quand à lui à “diluer un volume de shooter dans trois volumes du liquide de votre choix” toujours d’après

Or are we now ?

Small cans were, 6 months after their launch, des résultats plutôt mitigés et sont même un “flop” d’après Indeed, little distributors sell these mini-canettes because they are frequently stolen because of their small size ! An anti-theft system or a better positioning, close to caisses (After the manner of chewing gum) est envisagé pour qu’il y ait moins de vols et une “impulsion” d’achat.

More generally it should be noted that the energy drink market has probably arrived at its peak. Les consommateurs sont de plus en plus conscients de la composition “chimique” et potentiellement “dangereuse” de ces energy-drinks et seront peut être amenés à consommer d’autres types de boissons.

Some groups rely on natural energy drinks (Shaman for example Deveurop to guarana). D’autres misent sur des boissons “bio” mélangeant des ingrédients bio (Ginger, fruit juice, natural antioxidants etc.) as the brand Power Shot.

Certains fabricants vont même jusqu’à proposer des boissons qui sont au contraire apaisantes pour l’organisme en surfent peut être sur le créneau porteur de demain…

You can find more news here : Four Loko, the energy drink alcoholic.

F. Boyat

View Comments

  • Nice website, nice design, very interesting articles. Ce site nous apprend et nous éclaire sur des choses que l'on ne sais pas ou qu'à moitié. Strongly next articles and good continuation !

  • Thank you very much ! The goal is to post about a folder per week. And to add from time to time small short.
    Be faithful !

  • I am not a scientist or a researcher, donc parmit toutes les données et rechérche que je peut faire je ne c'est toujours pas si la cafeine fait grossir ou maigrir .

  • Hello ayant bien compris ton truc sur le red Bull etc et étant d'accord à 100% (G of apprentices who turn to her but his change nothing)car j'ai essayé une fois du powerade ms je c pa si mes performances était la (I played on Friday at the end of week of taf ) et G bien géré je voudrai savoir ta position par rapport o powerade car sur les forums sa ressemble rien... Tchou

  • It’s a shame that people can sell their place at Lydl to children of 12 ,13years old I fight with my little boy who doesn't drink this drink !!! But unfortunately does like his little friends and buys Pcq c is not expensive !!!!

  • It's good, I think it's wrong to ban minors from drinking. I know it's a very bad drink, I consume quite a bit of it. If the state does that, let them go... I'm up for increasing the price I think you should drink this drink every month .

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