Categories: Lexicon

Salmonella and salmonellosis

What salmonella ?

Salmonella is a naturally occurring bacterium in the intestines of animals, reptiles and birds. The bacteria are usually transmitted to humans when they eat food contaminated with feces (excrement) animals. Contaminated foods often come from animal sources such as poultry, beef, milk or eggs, but all foods can be contaminated, including fruit and vegetables. It is important to remember that foods that are contaminated with the bacteria have an appearance quite normal. It is therefore necessary to always use manipulation techniques safe food.

People who consume food contaminated by salmonella can contract salmonellosis. This disease is more common in summer than in winter. As with other foods of food origin, Symptoms of salmonellosis can be similar to those of an intestinal flu, but can also cause serious diseases with persistent effects.

How do people get sick ?

Did you know that ?

Intestinal diseases can be caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites and generally give rise to vomiting and diarrhea. Although we are talking about intestinal flu, These diseases have nothing to do with influenza viruses causing respiratory diseases.

Animals and humans can carry salmonella. They can then contaminate food, surfaces, other animals or other humans. Food can be contaminated with salmonella when the meat is not, When food is handled by a person infected with salmonella, or by cross contamination, When raw foods or animals are not properly handled.

The most common cause of salmonellosis is the consumption of contaminated foods that have not been cooked enough. Salmonella is usually found in the following foods :

  • raw meat or not cooked enough (especially poultry)
  • raw eggs or not cooked enough
    • homemade foods like dressing, Dutch sauce, Mayonnaise, The ice cream, The cookie dough, Tiramisu and frosting
  • raw fruits and vegetables (in particular germs and Cantaloups) and their juice
  • non -pasteurized dairy products like raw milk and raw milk cheeses, Cream -filled desserts and cream trim
  • Domestic animal treats
  • Fish and shrimp

You can also be exposed to the Salmonelle bacteria if :

  • You do not wash fresh fruits and vegetables before consuming them;
  • You do not completely clean the work surfaces used to prepare raw meat and other foods;
  • you do not wash your hands with soap after handling raw meat or after using the toilet;
  • you do not wash your hands with soap after touching pets, especially animals that have diarrhea or exotic animals such as snakes, turtles and reptiles.

What are the symptoms and treatment ?

The salmonella infection is associated with a wide range of symptoms. Some people will not get sick at all, but can still spread the bacteria to others. Others think they have caught a bad flu. In rare cases, the person becomes seriously ill and must be hospitalized.

Most people who contract salmonellosis have the following symptoms of 6 to 72 hours after infection :

  • fever
  • tremors
  • diarrhea
  • abdominal cramps
  • headache (with sudden appearance)
  • nausea
  • vomiting (Sometimes)

The disease usually lasts four to seven days, And most patients are recovered without treatment. As with any disease causing diarrhea or vomiting, The infected person must drink a lot of liquids to replace lost organic liquids and prevent dehydration. In serious cases, patients must receive intravenous fluids. Anyone can contract salmonellosis, But pregnant women, people whose immune system is weakened, Young children and the elderly are more likely to suffer from serious complications.

In some cases, Salmonella can invade the circulatory system and other parts of the body, which causes a serious illness and, in vulnerable subjects, death. In serious cases, Patient antibiotics can be given. However, Certain types of salmonelle have become resistant to numerous antibiotics of common use.

A small number of patients later experience joint pain, ocular irritation and painful urination. This is the Reiter syndrome. It can last for months, even years and, Sometimes, turn into chronic arthritis, a difficult disease to treat.

As several diseases cause similar symptoms, la seule façon de diagnostiquer la salmonellose consiste à analyser en laboratoire les matières fécales du malade. Lorsque les tests confirment la présence de salmonelle, d’autres tests peuvent permettre de déterminer le type de salmonellose et l’antibiotique qui convient le mieux.

Source :

F. Boyat

Published by
F. Boyat

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