

RES : Environment health network

The question of the relationship between Environment and Health raises growing questions in public opinion, due to the steady increase in chronic diseases like cancer, Diabetes, reproductive damage, asthma, allergies, mental and neurological disorders… and the emergence of new diseases such as chemical hypersensitivity.

Scientific knowledge increasingly highlights the weight of environmental factors in these diseases.. Despite this, These issues are still often regarded as marginal.

The Environment Health Network was created to change this point of view and put environmental and health issues at the heart of public policies.. To achieve this, the RES leads campaigns on major health and environmental issues.

The RES acts for better consideration of validated scientific data and for the implementation of the precautionary principle.

The RES leads 4 major projects :

Endocrine disrupters (PE)

The objective is to have endocrine disruptors recognized as major pollutants and their category (PE) at the same level as that of the CMRs : Carcinogenic mutagenic reprotoxic.

Chronic diseases (MC)

The objective is to highlight the importance of the link between environment and chronic diseases.

Emerging diseases - emerging risks (ME - RE)

The objective is to give visibility to New Environmental Diseases and initiate clinical treatment and research work..

Power environment (AE)

The objective is to illustrate the approach multimedia of the link between environmental, Food and health.

Website of the RES :

http://network-environment - health .fr

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