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INRA : National Institute of agricultural research

First Institute of agricultural research in Europe, second in the world, INRA is carrying out finalized research for a healthy, quality diet, for a competitive and sustainable agriculture, and for a preserved and valued environment.

A finalized Research Institute, at the heart of development issues, from the local to the global scale

Our research is guided by the evolution of scientific questions, and, driven by the global challenges posed by food, the environment and the development of territories, that agriculture and agronomy have to face. Climate change, human nutrition, competition between food and non-food cultures, depletion of fossil resources, balance in territorial management are all issues that position agronomy as the founder of harmonious development on economic levels, social and environmental. INRA produces fundamental knowledge and uses it to build innovations and know-how for society. He puts his expertise at the service of public decision-making.

The complementarity of the studied themes, that of the approaches used, and the diversity of its partnerships give INRA great capacity and relevance for action in the service of society.

An open society Institute

. Inra built programs of research in France and Europe relevant to society, by listening to their expectations. To this end, he conducts prospective and strategic vision work in consultation with representatives of the company. (partnerships of orientation).
. he undertakes vis-à-vis society by means of performance contracts to 4 years with the State
. He brings his expertise to the service of public decision

Generate knowledge, innovations and know-how for society

. Inra accompanies the development of the sectors and territories : it implements a transfer partnership while ensuring that the public good is preserved
. He shared his knowledge with a wider audience

Maintaining scientific excellence and relevance of research

. Inra is 2e world and the 1ER in Europe for publications in agricultural sciences and plant and animal sciences
. It maintains a scientific partnerships with major scientific research institutes around the world, the universities, agronomic and veterinary education, et s’engage dans la construction de l’European research area
. It encourages the approaches multidisciplinary
. There are research and researchers distinguished by prestigious awards

Constitute a scientific device of foreground

. 1 839 researchers and 1 891 doctoral students work at INRA, 1 519 foreign researchers and students are welcomed every year at INRA
. research equipment, a significant experimental and transfer system mobilizes 2 572 engineers and 4 121 technicians
. of Meta, expanded research programs, at the confluence of several disciplines, were put in place on 2010-2020. These approaches are essential for working on food issues, global ecological and agronomic practices by integrating their different facets.

The INRA website :

F. Boyat

Published by
F. Boyat
Tags: INRA

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