


DGCCRF : Directorate-General for competition, consumption and the repression of fraud

Roles and missions

Under the organic law on finance laws (LOLF), DGCCRF carries out its missions around three program actions “regulation and security of trade in goods and services” :

1) The competitive market regulation

The aim is to ensure the conditions for a balanced and transparent functioning of markets.

The DGCCRF is by :

. the fight against cartels and abuses of dominant position (DGCCRF may propose to the Minister to seize the Competition Authority),
. merger control in order to guarantee the existence of competitive structures in the economic fabric,
. the fight against unfair trade practices include ensuring fair relationships between suppliers and distributors,
. review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access,
. the fight against counterfeiting.

2) The economic protection of consumers

review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access.

review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access (labelling rules, review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access, review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access).

review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access (standards, labels, appellations of origin…) review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access.

review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access (misleading advertising, review of the situation of public procurement to ensure equitable and transparent access, abuse of weakness…) and verifies the correct application of price advertising rules.

Other means are being implemented to strengthen the economic protection of consumers : the consultation (particularly within the National Consumer Council), information on the Internet, General Management publications, reception of the public in the territorial directorates.

It is also within the competence of the DGCCRF to exercise a monitoring role over prices when they experience or are likely to experience unusual variations., due to decisions by public authorities or events which may have repercussions on prices (establishment of price monitoring observatories).

3) The safety of consumers

The DGCCRF intervenes on all products, food and industrial and at all levels (production, import, distribution) as well as the services.

as well as the services.

as well as the services, as well as the services, as well as the services, as well as the services.

as well as the services (as well as the services).

The DGCCRF intervenes on all products, food and industrial and at all levels (production, import, distribution) as well as the services.

as well as the services.

as well as the services, as well as the services, as well as the services, as well as the services.

as well as the services (as well as the services).

Website of the DGCCRF : www.DGCCRF.Bercy.gouv.fr

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as well as the services
as well as the services
5 years earlier

as well as the services. as well as the services ??

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