

AFSSAPS : Agence française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits of health

“It was created by the Act of 1 July 1998 for the strengthening of health monitoring and control of the safety of products intended for human.

The Afssaps employs more than 900 people. Its operating budget is 87,26 EUR million for 2003. Afssaps inherited Medicines Agency's powers expanded to all health products.

It guarantees, through its missions of safety, the effectiveness, quality and proper use of all health products for humans (Article L 5311-1 of the Code of public health) : medication, contents first for pharmaceuticals, medical devices and in vitro diagnostic devices, biologics and biotechnology (blood products, bodies, fabrics, cells and products of human or animal origin, products of gene and cell therapies, Additional therapeutic products), cosmetic products, …”

Source : www.ACTU-Environnement.com

Since the 29 December 2011, AFSSAPS has become l'ANSM (National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products).

ANSM website : ansm.sante.fr


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